Yesterday it was sunny in the morning with temps in the low 70s. So I took the K2 over to Ashland, MA to see MikeR who would be helping me fit the new Honda clutch plates and Barnett spings that he had ordered for me during the the afternoon it was raining like crazy with large hail coming down hard resulting in local flooding and the temps dropped to 55F. Welcome to New England weather!!
Ben (Azuredesign) was also there at MikeRs School of CB750 mechanics
sorting out his defective Dyna 2000 and seeing if his monster hot rod 750 would run - it did and it sounded great!
Anyway...pulled the K2 clutch (55,000 miles, stock clutch) and discovered the fiber plates were worn almost to nothing and the clutch basket itself (piece with the 4 posts) had really bad corrosion -MikeR - "I have never seen this so bad before!" - meant that yet again Andy750s K2 was giving him lots of interesting things to discover
Lucky for me MikeR has a couple of spare engines lying around and he very very generously pulled a fresh looking basket from one of them....after much prep on the new plates (soaking them in some top quality Repsol oil), bead blasting the steel plates, bead blasting the basket....we installed new what a difference! Not stiff to pull at all as I had feared but smooth, precise shifting.
We also pulled the rear wheel and checked it for trueness....yes we confirmed that it had a significant side-side wobble...with no wheel experts in the area it looks like its time for a new wheel. Thinking about going big and going for the Sunrims from Buchanan.
Another great day at MikeRs school of CB750 mechanics and Mikes never ending patience and attention to detail. Great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon in the garage.
The ride home along the Mass Pike was in heavy fast moving traffic in the rain so it was a good testing ground for the new clutch which performed flawlessly....and I was also very conscious of the crappy handling from the back end especially on the off/on ramps in the rain...need that new wheel asap!