Author Topic: Alternative Carb options for 750's (cheap is good!)  (Read 925 times)

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Offline Red750K1

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Alternative Carb options for 750's (cheap is good!)
« on: March 18, 2008, 07:01:12 PM »
Ok, I got thinking about my sudo-cafe build I'm going to be working on this spring: mild cam, performance springs, ported head but stock CC's and bottom end.  What have you guys tried for carb set ups? Preferably, what has worked the best? Anyone tried carbs from other bikes? Maybe something I could scope out on ebay or the local bone yard and rebuild? I've gotten some mikuni's in a carb lot off e-bay that included a set of early 750 carbs I bought, but they're missing the bowls . . . not sure what size carbs yet, i'll post pictures later.  I was also thinking about throwing a set of 750F supersport carbs on, figured maybe I would get better throttle response since they have an accelerator pump built in.  Any ideas/tips?