Author Topic: ebay tips from the pro's (please)  (Read 1878 times)

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ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« on: March 19, 2008, 01:54:08 AM »
This has probably already been covered before, but it's my turn to ask a question over again. I am going to sell on ebay for the first time. My goal is not to make any money, just get rid of some of the parts I will never use. I have two parts bikes I am done with. I know my auction needs to stand out from the 600+ others so this is my stratagy:

- sell multiple items in one listing when possible. An example would be ALL tail and signal lights, not seperate auctions for each light. Another would be to sell an entire system, master cyinder, lines, calipers, rotors or coils, ignitors and pickups. I figure by being the best deal my auction will generate bids. Although I may not get as much selling the items in groups, it beats not selling them at all!

- I figure a starting bid of 9.99 on most items

- nice clear pictures and a good description

- It appears selling in USD is preferable

- have all the parts ready to ship with estimted shipping

- sell only stuff I would want to buy

- mandatory shipping insurance and over pack the parts.

When is the HOT time for part sales? it should be soon I would think?

Any other advice or changes you would make?

Any advice on making my listing appear in more searches? (cb650)

Does anyone ever really buy those listings for "left over box of parts"?

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 05:06:33 AM »
This has probably already been covered before, but it's my turn to ask a question over again. I am going to sell on ebay for the first time. My goal is not to make any money, just get rid of some of the parts I will never use. I have two parts bikes I am done with. I know my auction needs to stand out from the 600+ others so this is my stratagy:

- sell multiple items in one listing when possible. An example would be ALL tail and signal lights, not seperate auctions for each light. Another would be to sell an entire system, master cyinder, lines, calipers, rotors or coils, ignitors and pickups. I figure by being the best deal my auction will generate bids. Although I may not get as much selling the items in groups, it beats not selling them at all!

- I figure a starting bid of 9.99 on most items

- nice clear pictures and a good description

- It appears selling in USD is preferable

- have all the parts ready to ship with estimted shipping

- sell only stuff I would want to buy

- mandatory shipping insurance and over pack the parts.

When is the HOT time for part sales? it should be soon I would think?

Any other advice or changes you would make?

Any advice on making my listing appear in more searches? (cb650)

Does anyone ever really buy those listings for "left over box of parts"?

I have only once bought a "left over box of parts" but it was a local pickup, and CHEAP.

If you are seriously just wanting to make space, not money....
Try listing it locally in the newspaper classifieds, craigslist(is there a canadian version of that?), or other local media.
Bulletins at your local bike shops(just rember to take them down when parts are sold).

Personally I would do local first, and try to get rid of EVERYthing you are looking to get rid of in a one shot deal.
You got 650 parts n bits right? 2 of them?

If I saw them listed locally, no titles... i would be willing to pay 200-300 for 2 partial 650's without paperwork(with bill of sale),
500+ depending on parts missing for titled one(s).

Just a thought.

So far for me, when selling bikes i have been figuring the cost of the parts i stripped off the bikes value and subtract that from the origional cost to me for the bike.
Thats what I sell them for.
Like the 750HOHC frame i got rid of lately.

Bought the bike with full intentions of stripping parts.
Used the forks, dual brakes, brake rotors, & rims.
Paid 50.00 for the bike.
Ended up giving the frame/motor/carbs away because the parts I took off were worth WAY more than the original $50 invested in the bike.

-=≡ Soos ≡=-
Just think to yourself what would Alowishus Devander Abercrombie do?
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(61mm)652cc 1979 cb650

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2008, 06:19:45 AM »
I know my auction needs to stand out from the 600+ others so this is my stratagy:
In my experience I will troll through all of the listings on several eBay sites to find something. The most important thing is to list exactly what the item is. There is nothing more frustrating than going in to a listing headed 'CB650' without a descriptive of what the item is.

- sell multiple items in one listing when possible. An example would be ALL tail and signal lights, not seperate auctions for each light. Another would be to sell an entire system, master cyinder, lines, calipers, rotors or coils, ignitors and pickups. I figure by being the best deal my auction will generate bids.
Sell the turn signals as 'front' and 'rear' pairs and the tail light separately. Also other like items. You'll make more money and the postage to the buyer will be less. As a buyer I don't want to have to buy a box of bits just to get the one item I'm looking for. Yes, it takes longer to prepare and list, but you stand a better chance of at least one item making more than you anticipated.

- I figure a starting bid of 9.99 on most items
I always start at 0.99. The listing cost is the lowest and you will attract the bidder who decides to bid 'just because' the starting price is so low.

- It appears selling in USD is preferable
Doesn't matter what the currency is, if you are using PayPal as your 'banking' source. The current rate of exchange is calculated whether you are using USD, pounds sterling, Canuck-bucks, or whatever. Personally I use Canadian dollars....

- have all the parts ready to ship with estimted shipping
If you have time to pre-pack and get to a post office in advance to get an accurate postage cost. Using the online Canada Post guide often gives a postage price different than reality because when you get to the post office there are a myriad of ways the parcel can be sent.

- sell only stuff I would want to buy
One mans junk is another mans treasure. You would be surprised what someone will take off your hands.

- mandatory shipping insurance and over pack the parts.
Insurance is a debatable topic. I find that most buyers are looking for absolutely the cheapest shipping cost (unless you are literally selling 'unobtanium'). I've bought and sold several hundred items over the last three years and have never had a sent item go missing; sometimes it takes longer than anticipated, but I've been lucky that it has always got there in the end. More important than insurance is the ability to track the parcel. Yes, pack the parts as you would expect to receive them.

When is the HOT time for part sales? it should be soon I would think?
Any time of the year. Remember that when our season is finishing Terry's is just starting.

Any other advice or changes you would make?
Wait for your listing until eBay has a listing price promotion, which happens around once a month.

Any advice on making my listing appear in more searches? (cb650)
Use several key words. If you think the part will fit other models put their names in the listing heading too. Choose the market that you think will expose your item to the most number of likely buyers. is a larger market than If you've got something that may appeal to the Brits, list it on

Does anyone ever really buy those listings for "left over box of parts"?
Only if the purchase price is minimal and the postage cost is not too high. There is nothing worse than getting something for $1.99 and then having to pay $30 to have it shipped......of course if there is one item in the selection I'm looking for then I don't care!

My 44 cents worth (4 cents plus inflation)>
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 06:25:43 AM by nickjtc »
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2008, 06:47:39 AM »
Local first- definitely.

Box lots are OK for real-time auctions, but useless on Ebay.

Just charge the insurance and don't give the bidders a choice.  They think it's for them, but it's really for you.  Buyers are not all cool, and sh*t happens.

No good or bad time on parts- just depends on who sees your auction at the time.  For some things like vintage BMW and Indian parts, people are ALWAYS looking.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2008, 07:08:04 AM »

          While you ARE getting VERY good advice, (IF you haven't already done so) have you thought about listing the stuff here and you might actually get rid of most or possibly ALL of it here. Just a thought.

                                              Later on, Bill :) ;)
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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2008, 07:16:15 AM »
....have you thought about listing the stuff here and you might actually get rid of most or possibly ALL of it here. Just a thought.

650 stuff? What have you got and for which year?
Nick J. Member #3247

2008 Triumph Tiger 1050
1977 Suzuki GS750

"That which does not kill us reminds us to wear proper motorcycle clothing...."

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 07:52:24 AM »
....have you thought about listing the stuff here and you might actually get rid of most or possibly ALL of it here. Just a thought.

650 stuff? What have you got and for which year?

       There ya go. ;)  See what I mean? ??? You just might be able to get rid of all, or maybe a god part of it. Why don't you post it in the "For Sale" forums and see what comes out of it? :) Of course, you ought to give Nick first shot at the 650 stuff. ;D
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 08:29:17 AM »
Sell in US$

I am Canadian myself, if I buy off another in this country, I simply ask after the sale which they prefer to get paid in & we work it out.. if they are buying all the time they want US anyway.

As for cheap listing day, I used to not list on those most of the time,
Harder and longer to get stuff on.
More stuff listed & yours becomes harder to find.

Box lots can be great for buyer & seller.. but you might not get much..& the buyer may say send the dash tripple clamp , thats all I want..unless you play the 30$ shipping game & hold them to it..

I could never sell anything (unless it fit in an envelope) at under 8.99.. simply too much effort put into packing, addressing , listing etc & I was near the PO.
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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 12:07:24 PM »
the only thing I haven't seen mentioned is a good clear photograph, not a blurred light reflecting picture from an odd angle, that always puts me off it suggests they are trying to hide something or not very particular which suggests the description might also be questionable.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

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1976 XL175 - Sold
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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2008, 12:12:15 PM »
time the auction to end such that west coasters and east coasters can both bid without having to stay up too late at night. That would mean ending at around 10:00 EST to cover everyone. Also I tend to start and end during weekdays, monday to thursday. People are more likely to be home then than on fridays or weekends. Never over holidays.

Be damned honest, take pics of the blemishes if there are some. Provide your zip and a weight and provide a link for them to look up shipping via UPS. You will still get the dipwads that will ask and you can just refer them to the posting.

Make sure you maintain good feedback. Pack the sucker well. May cost more but better than getting in a pissing contest over damaged goods. And never let that sucker leave without receiving payment first or your screwed. USPS money orders are good. Screw Paypal, they hosed me over before and I'll never use them again.
06 Harley Sporster 1200C, 06 Triumph Scrambler, 01 Ducati Chromo 900, 01 Honda XR650L, 94 Harley Heritage, 88 Honda Hawk GT, 84 Yamaha Virago 1000, 78 Honda 750K w/sidecar, 77 Moto Guzzi Lemans 850, 76 Honda CB750K, 73 Norton 850, 73 Honda Z50, 70 & 65 Honda Trail 90, 70 & 71 Triumph 650s, 65 Honda 305 Dream, 81 Honda 70 Passport, 70 Suzuki T250II, 71 Yamaha 360 RT1B, 77 BMW R75/7, 75 Honda CB550K, 70 Honda CT70

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Re: ebay tips from the pro's (please)
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 01:47:15 PM »
- sell multiple items in one listing when possible. An example would be ALL tail and signal lights, not seperate auctions for each light. Another would be to sell an entire system, master cyinder, lines, calipers, rotors or coils, ignitors and pickups. I figure by being the best deal my auction will generate bids. Although I may not get as much selling the items in groups, it beats not selling them at all!

* This is a tough one. If parts are scarce sometimes it helps to sell just one thing at a time. I mean if you needed only one blinker for the front left side would you want to pay 2-3 times more to get them all?

- I figure a starting bid of 9.99 on most items

* I agree. 9.99 is my minimum. More on wheels and other hard to pack items. If it goes for leas than 9.99 I'll let it sit. I used to start at .99 but had a few items sell for that. Not fun packing something up that after ebay and paypal fees you make nothing on.

- nice clear pictures and a good description

* Clear pictures are very important to me as a buyer so I try to make sure that everything I would want to see is pictures when I sell. Most of the time the pictures are your best description.

- It appears selling in USD is preferable

* Whatever works. Shipping worldwide is more important than what currency you use.

- have all the parts ready to ship with estimted shipping

It works in theory but what happens when someone buys 5 of your items? I assume you would want to ship them together and provide the buyer with cheaper combined shipping? I never prebox, takes to much time. I weigh the stuff and make sure I have boxes. I usually add a pound or 2 to the weight and things come out close enough for me. Been short a couple of times and been over a couple of times. If I'm way over I refund the buyer the difference.

- sell only stuff I would want to buy

* Anything is fair game but you have to know your items. A rusty seat pan from a 1976 CB550 with holes in might not sell but a pan in the same condition from a 1970 CB750 would.

- mandatory shipping insurance and over pack the parts.

 I agree on this one. I know a few people who have been burnt. The insurance protects the seller not the buyer. What's to stop a person from telling you it never arrived or had damage when it arrived? Maybe it did maybe it didn't. The buyer always wins on that one.

When is the HOT time for part sales? it should be soon I would think?

We are getting to the tail end of it pretty soon I think. I figure anytime there is snow on the ground is a good time to sell for both me and the buyer.

Any other advice or changes you would make?

You pretty much have to use paypal. I pass things up sometimes if they don't offer it. Hate to admit it. If your parts are in demand you should also sell internationally. Takes a little more work but its usually worth it.

Any advice on making my listing appear in more searches? (cb650)

If they are looking they will find it. Nobody is going to buy parts for a CB650 just because they stumbled upon them.

Does anyone ever really buy those listings for "left over box of parts"?
Yep they do but not for much.
CB750K4 in pieces
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