This has probably already been covered before, but it's my turn to ask a question over again. I am going to sell on ebay for the first time. My goal is not to make any money, just get rid of some of the parts I will never use. I have two parts bikes I am done with. I know my auction needs to stand out from the 600+ others so this is my stratagy:
- sell multiple items in one listing when possible. An example would be ALL tail and signal lights, not seperate auctions for each light. Another would be to sell an entire system, master cyinder, lines, calipers, rotors or coils, ignitors and pickups. I figure by being the best deal my auction will generate bids. Although I may not get as much selling the items in groups, it beats not selling them at all!
- I figure a starting bid of 9.99 on most items
- nice clear pictures and a good description
- It appears selling in USD is preferable
- have all the parts ready to ship with estimted shipping
- sell only stuff I would want to buy
- mandatory shipping insurance and over pack the parts.
When is the HOT time for part sales? it should be soon I would think?
Any other advice or changes you would make?
Any advice on making my listing appear in more searches? (cb650)
Does anyone ever really buy those listings for "left over box of parts"?
I have only once bought a "left over box of parts" but it was a local pickup, and CHEAP.
If you are seriously just wanting to make space, not money....
Try listing it locally in the newspaper classifieds, craigslist(is there a canadian version of that?), or other local media.
Bulletins at your local bike shops(just rember to take them down when parts are sold).
Personally I would do local first, and try to get rid of EVERYthing you are looking to get rid of in a one shot deal.
You got 650 parts n bits right? 2 of them?
If I saw them listed locally, no titles... i would be willing to pay 200-300 for 2 partial 650's without paperwork(with bill of sale),
500+ depending on parts missing for titled one(s).
Just a thought.
So far for me, when selling bikes i have been figuring the cost of the parts i stripped off the bikes value and subtract that from the origional cost to me for the bike.
Thats what I sell them for.
Like the 750HOHC frame i got rid of lately.
Bought the bike with full intentions of stripping parts.
Used the forks, dual brakes, brake rotors, & rims.
Paid 50.00 for the bike.
Ended up giving the frame/motor/carbs away because the parts I took off were worth WAY more than the original $50 invested in the bike.