Author Topic: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?  (Read 3877 times)

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Offline cb650

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2006, 04:32:37 AM »
I have some mags with 650 articles if someone wants to scan them I'll send them out.

18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker


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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2006, 05:44:14 AM »

The Duckworth book is the "honda CB 750 - haynes great bike series." on amazon it is 25 bucks new, used copies 17.95. definitely worth the price - not just a pretty picture book - chock full of good historical tidbits. I love it - quickly earned a space at the top of the nightstand pile. I think I have read it 9 out of 10 nights since Christmas.

I am searching for a copy of the Wyatt book. four months on the "want it used" list on Amazon and no bites. No copies on ebay either. I doubt you are in a trading mood, neil. anybody out there want to part with theirs?  :'(



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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2006, 03:17:12 PM »
Hi Jaan,

No sorry, I just checked with my local motor book shop - out of print - they would love to have copy!
Might shout myself the Duckworth book as a late Xmas present on your recommendation. If you have any particular area of interest I could scan a few pages, zip them and email to you. Let me know.

Also, do you know if the "Classic Honda Motorcycles Guide" is worth buying?




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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2006, 06:25:15 AM »


I don't know much about that guide. I wonder if it is a copyright infringement to scan and post a book that is out of print? If any of the site moderators has the Wyatt book, it could be legal to post it here?

That would be  8) ...


Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2006, 06:31:20 AM »
I would think it would be an infringement of copyright law. Whoever owns the rights, could order another printing in the future, so I don't think "out of print" has any baring on this. However, I'm not an attorney, but I believe we have a couple of members who are, so they would be far more qualified to comment. With all that said, I've been keeping an eye out for a copy myself for some time. They occasionally come up on eBay, but cost $$.  >:(
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.


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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2006, 11:59:29 AM »

I called the publisher, Motorbooks International, and spoke with someone in their publishing department. They indicated that it probably would be illegal since there is a 70 year copyright on books.

I told her about the SOHC site, the knowledge base it represents, the volume of membership ("thousands") and that the book is so scarce now that it cannot be found on Amazon or Ebay. I also mentioned how highly regarded the book seems to be.

She suggested that this site administrator could e-mail her and she would pass on the information to their administation. They would consider republishing the book or perhaps licensing online access based on interest.

Contact, for whom it may concern, is:

Mary Labarre
Motorbooks International
729 Prospect Avenue, P.O. Box 1
Osceola, WI 54020

Preferred method of contact is EMAIL =

I hope this is fruitful somehow...


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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2006, 02:14:50 PM »
Hi Jaan,

No sorry, I just checked with my local motor book shop - out of print - they would love to have copy!
Might shout myself the Duckworth book as a late Xmas present on your recommendation. If you have any particular area of interest I could scan a few pages, zip them and email to you. Let me know.

Also, do you know if the "Classic Honda Motorcycles Guide" is worth buying?



Hi guys,

My original offer was to scan a couple of particular pages for Jaan- which I believe is  legal (according to my brother who is a uni academic/lecturer and often has to copy work for his students). Hopefully motorbooks might republish - the local motorbookshop here has plenty of enquiries.

Also, does anyone know if the "Classic Honda Motorcycles Guide" is worth buying, from a CB750 point of view?

Thanks & cheers,


Offline Magpie

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2006, 03:41:01 PM »
 I don't know about the book you mentioned but I really enjoy the book"Honda 750 The Complete Story" by Mark Haycock. Published by The Crowood Press.

Offline cb650

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2006, 04:56:41 AM »
It might not be "legal" but I think if a few of us are doing this for fun all they could say is stop.
Now when we all make or first million it would be a diff story.
But then lawyers are lookin sore somethin to do.

18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker

Offline 6pkrunner

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2006, 05:44:04 AM »
The general terminaolgy for copyright infringement breaks down to if you are making any money, or denying the copyright holder of any money - then you are in violation. Most times the small potato operations are not worth the effort to prosecute, or in some cases actually help promote the real item.
The scanned roadtests are not generating any revenue for anyone here and other than for entertainment for a few there really is no harm done. No magazine sales will be affected by the useage of 35 year old tests. The effort to prosecute would outweigh the benefits gained.
 Now a book that is still in publication - well that may be a tad bit stickier. If the publisher called and asked for it to be removed, I'd do it pretty quickly.

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2006, 05:54:51 AM »
I challenge you to mention a book about the CB750 I don't have...

The "Classic Honda Motorcycle Buyer's guide is not worth from a CB750 perspective. It covers all the classic Honda models, so the CB750 is deal with briefly.

I have the "Original Honda", the Haycock book, the Duckworth book, the "Honda 500 GP wins", the Clymer, Haynes, 2 original shop manuals, three part manuals, the Chilton's Honda fours, and even some other edited in German by Motorbuch Verlag. One of them is comparable with the Wyatt's, in text and pictures qualities, but it's in German, so if you are good with the pictures then it can be a nice addition.

Apart from that, I have the "Honda CB750 Gold Portfolio", that is a collection of period articles. From them, many I have also in the original magazines. I bought the "Cycle" and "Cycle guide" magazines that covered the CB750 launch. Apart from that, some other magazines that cover the F1, F2, K3, you name it. The CB750 win at Daytona. And, easy for me but a collector item, some spanish magazines dealing with the CB750.

And, of course, brochures. I have the K1 brochure, the K1 german brochure, the british brochure, the international version brochure, the F1 brochure, the DOHC, the Seven Fifty, the CB400F, the CB500, as well as magazine ads: "Sooner or later, you know Honda would do it". My favourite is a german ad with a nice woman in the picture. "Freiheit" -freedom-. in black and white. I will probably frame it.

My actual avatar is from a Honda CB750 model that I bought from Japan. There is a 10 pence coin besides so you can compare the size.

My wife says I'm obsessed..

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2006, 10:20:56 AM »
i think its legal to reprint as long as you dont make money off it
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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2006, 09:25:07 AM »
Hey 6pkrunner,

I would be interested in any article about my beloved 1972 CB 500 Four.  I always find the old articles and pictures interesting.

It's suprising how advanced these bikes were for the time.  They got pretty good reviews.


Offline Glenn Stauffer

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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2006, 09:54:02 AM »
CB500/CB550 articles including two that 6pkrunner scanned.


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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2006, 01:33:16 PM »
I challenge you to mention a book about the CB750 I don't have...

My wife says I'm obsessed..

I would'nt say "obsessed", bloody well organised in my opinion! What a fantastic collection. Well done.
I used to have an original Honda sales poster for the K1 - a beautiful gold bike on a black background, and approx 1200 x 900 mm. Lost it when I moved to uni and had to sell my bike. Wish I had that poster now.



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Re: Anyone interested in the old road tests of the CBs ?
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2008, 09:08:08 AM »
to those who're in on making this information more accessible, a big 'thank you' is in order! :D
"What about incomplete idiots?" -TwoTired
"What's a leakdown test?  I filled the cylinder that looks like this with some water and let it sit overnight. The water didn't go down any.  I thought that would tell me about the rings." -Dead Guy of AMCforums
1977 CB550f- sold
2007 Kawi EX650- curre