I found out something today, made me think of this..

I knew a guy named Monty,
once in a while I would go over to his place. He was into hotrods and old cars and collected model trains. He bought a 69 Honda 750 new and rode it to Mexico, but sold it long ago.
Anyway one day he traded and early Ranchero for a train..or that was partly the deal. He ended up with an early Ives train with the box!!
He had a pretty cool layout in the bottom of an old house he lived in. It was the closest house to the only train bridge we have in town!
One day there is a knock on the door, he glances outside, sees a limo and answers the door. It was Jimmy Pattison, fairly well known in BC. So he introduces himself, says he heard he had an Ives train, and could he have a look? As it turns out Jimmy is a big fan of trains, and was in town as a speaker at a big hotel.. the kind of deal you pay hundreds a plate to attend.
So anyway, he says, "Yeah I have a Ives" and I will show you and they go downstairs.. and look at the Ives and his other stuf. Well Jimmy liked the Ives and made him an offer of 7500.00, which Monty ended up turning down, he felt it was a bit low. So they played around with the trains and Monty showed him all his stuff.. and then there was a knock on the door!
It was his driver, a few hours had gone by, and he reminded Mr Pattison that he must leave , as he would be late for his speaking engagement!!
Well before he left, he gave Monty his card with a number to call...told him he was welcome to see part of his new collection, call and give yourself at least 3 hrs, and someone will show you around. He had bought a new collection, I think it was from F Sinatra and it was 1/2 unpacked and it would take hours to see it... and then he drove off in his limo..
Jump forward to today.. I had wondered in the last week where Monty had been, had not seen him for quite a while.. I was reading the paper today and saw his obit.. what a bummer

..54 yrs old.
So I thought I would share my favorite story about him... if anyone collects trains you may have dealt with him on ebay, think he was KVR railway.. or something like that..