i just spent a while chasing a short out on one bike... real pain in the ass. not that hard really, but it was of course in the last connection i tested. anyway, just take a test lamp and hook the clip end to the positive terminal on the battery. touch the other end to the frame to test for ground. if it lights up fine, start poking around at the hot connections on the bike. you'll find the ground when your test lamp lights up. theoretically, no black, black/white, red, brown, brown and white, blue, or orange wire should light it, as these are all the powered end of their respective circuits. i'd start at the solenoid connections and work my way to the ignition switch and fuse box.
by the way: love my harbor freight lift, but i've only had it a year and has already started deteriorating...leave a bike on the lift overnight and it's a couple feet lower in the morning. i really doubt HF has refurbushing parts for the hydraulics.