Depends on the extent of soldering I'd say. My daughter had been bugging me recently to repair a couple things she had broken. Small wires. She bought me one of those Cold Heat Soldering jobs for Christmas so she wanted me to use it. I was skeptical. VERY skeptical. One of those "Christmas gadgets that every one needs". Thats just my nature. Sounds too good to be true, it must not be true. That MF'r worked great! Totally surprised. #$%* in my dress! Uses 4 AA batteries. Touch the open end tip to the object, the electrical circuit is completed between the open sides and it heats the #$%* outta your wires. Even threw some sparks. A little flux and a touch of solder and it was done. VERY handy to use. Think I saw these on sale at Harbor Freight for $10. Come on down. I'll buy a few beers.