Author Topic: looking at an '88 cbr1000f - any experience with them? known issues?  (Read 1052 times)

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Offline shoemanII

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might be looking at a 1988 cbr1000f w/6300 miles (ahem).  first i suppose i'll need to try and confirm this crazy-low mileage, but are there problems that were refined out in later years?  bikes were first born in 1982 i think.  they're heavy, DOHC, 110hp, liquid cooled.  many thanks for your help.
'96 ducati carb'd 900ss/cr 
'72 dt2
'77cb550k frankenberry:  '77cb550k frame, '78cb550k engine, '78cb550f tank, unknown front-end

Offline Triffecpa

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I owned a '94 I think (could have been a '95).  Basically the same as the '88 except for maybe wheel sizes.  Good bike.  Great street bike.  I put 20K on mine in a couple of years.  Other than the fact that they are a  bit buzzy around 4-5K (can't remember the exact RPM) it's a bulletproof bike.  Never had any problems with the size or weight as a street bike and it's plenty fast.  All I ever did with mine was change the oil and put on tires.