Welcome to the board, Coldright! Is that Portland, OR or Portland, ME?
Fortunately there are a lot of posts on here about electrical stuff, so we've got you covered.

1) Loonymoon, 1973 CB350F - clueless enthusiast- but slowly learning!!
2) Hope, 1975 Honda CB550K - grew up on bikes & been riding all my life
3) Ingrid, LOT's of bikes including 1976 Honda CB750, my brother took me for a tour when I was 12 and I was hooked since...
4) Ladyvorlon, 77 CB750F. Here I am my first rebuild, and think I did ok...not bad for a woman! LOL ....painted, cleaned, switches, bars, brakes and so much more...and a very understanding father, who's knowledge made it all possible!
5)Kitsune84, 1980 CB650c - First rebuild, learning how to ride.
6) Mosquitojones.,clueless mechanically, been riding for about 10 years, only bike is a CB650.
7)Adya 1972 CB750. Been riding on the back for years but finally decided to get my own.
8)mbritt, 1977 CB400F, don't know the lingo yet - but having fun learning!
9) Moto-BunnY
10) Inkscars - 1977 CB750 four K - First bike, first bike rebuild. Well versed in the mechanical field. Been working on cars, and small engines for almost 9 years now, although professionally I stopped about 2 years ago.
11)JLove, and I started riding last year about a week before I went on a 2000 mile trip through Deal's Gap to Georgia (from Michigan). I was on an 81 (Kawasaki) KZ 750LTD that belongs to my special man friend. I have since then bought a 1980 KZ 250 LTD and a 76 CB550.
12)MickeyX- Owns Samson, the 1980 CB650 that is "Not A Parts Bike" but rather generously loans parts to Kit's Delilah.
13) DCLee- Proud owner of a '79 CB650, rides and wrenches- but hopefully more of the former soon!
14) Marie- Spanish-dwelling French woman, riding and loving a CB400SF for work and pleasure!
15) Coldright- hoping to have her '74 CB750 back on the road soon.