Spot on Aaron
Nine times out of ten its profit margin and NOT lack of ability not laziness that is responsible for this kind of crap.....
Tell the customer what they want to hear and then do what you want (if you want to do anything).
The world is run by salesmen these days and no offense to any members that are salesmen but they are at the level of politicians and lawyers in the honesty stakes.
Just my opinion.
One reason I have a low regard for salesmen is the total bullShi+ I hear from them, thinking I don't know more about whatever they are selling than they do. When I have no other choice, I ask them some simple questions that I already know the answer to, and gauge their honesty from their response. If they lie about the simple things, it's a good bet they'll sell you anything they can, whether it serves your purpose or not. It also leads the really bad ones to think you are an easy mark, can tell you anything, and make up plausible but total fiction, in order to sway your manner of thinking. The honest salesmen are few and far between, though there are some.
It's pretty humorous, at times, to watch a totally super confident salesmen spew trash and then be called on it. Some become angry and adamant they are right, even though it's obviously BS they are spewing. Some, suddenly turn from confident to ignorant and sheepish. Some, literally, walk away.
It also helps to listen in on their pitch to other customers, who really are unknowledgeable, and everyone knows it. If the salesmen is clearly leading the customer on, he/she is only worthy of a saliva deposit.