The sohc4 ignition uses a wasted spark setup. So, each cylinder fires on each revolution. The point's or dyna triggers provide one 12 V pulse per revolution of the crankshaft. 1000 pulses = 1000RPM.
Automotive 4 cylinder engines usually have a distributor and it provides 4 pulses to a common coil per 2 revolutions of the crankshaft. When the unit counts 2000 pulses it indicates 1000 RPM.
The sohc4 trigger gives 1000 pulses per 1000 RPM, so your unit displays 500RPM, since it is looking for twice as many pulses.
You cannot connect the blue and yellow wires together and expect he engine to run properly. I don't know the on time of the Dyna switches when it is providing a ground path to energize the coils. If it were still points, the coils would never fire since one set of points is always closed, and you would get no trigger. The dyna may have a shorter on-time duration, which may get you more pulses to count, but then both coils would fire together, and only fire at the right time, 1/2 the time. Without a running engine, your tach will only operate while you electric start or use the kick starter. Which probably isn't what you are after.

If we make the assumption that the tach you have is counting the rising edge of the trigger pulse. There may be an opportunity to make another pulse from the falling edge. (It has to happen before the next rise!)
There is such a thing as a pulse doubler. I've made them in the past for other circuits. Such a pulse doubler would then be placed between the tach and the trigger source signal. Or, a device can be made that generates a pulse from each trigger source of the SOHC4 and combines them into one output. Again it would be a device the was wired between the trigger sources and the tach you've purchased.
I don't know if there are already commercial devices to provide the function you need in the marketplace. But, if you can find a unit that converts an 8 Cylinder tach for use on 4 cylinders, it should work to convert a 4 Cylinder tach for use with the SOHC4 trigger.
Of course, a tach made for the SOHC4 ignition would count 1000 pulses and display 1000 RPM.
Does this help your understanding? (Sorry, I don't have a ready solution.)