I get that and agree. They aren't my choice/style either but at the same time I would not be afraid to ride around on a set. I would not want to do a day long ride through the twisties. I just think it's the new "style" to bash. When I started on here many years ago the bashing was for the cafe group. Now it's moved on to whatever that style is called. I have evolved into a function over form guy but I still get it. Some like vanilla some like chocolate. I like strawberry.
They change the way a bike handles for the worse. I was in town, out side a supermarket turning left on a nice cambered 3 lane corner when the tires just let go, from then on, I had to change the way I road that bike until I got rid of the tire, I don't like them what so ever, its nothing to do with how they look, I get the look thing too, I just don't get why people would potentially put their lives at risk to "look cool", I'm all about safety on a bike {we need all the help we can get} and not in a "touchy feely way", I'm might just be a little weird but I like my bikes to go, stop and handle well, so when some f-wit cuts me off, the bike and I have the best chance of pulling off an evasive move, predictably...

Just realised we are in the Inspiration gallery..... Sorry for the hijack...