i apologize for the quality of the pictures, i'm still trying to figure out my camera. plus shooting under fluorescent lighting can be a REAL pain sometimes to ge the color right!!! here's some from the Dallas Motorcycle Show yesterday:
This is me and my amazing girlfriend in a Ural. yes, Ural had a spot there and some REALLY cool bikes! most expensive one was only 15K!! NOT too shabby!!

this was the best looking bike at the show... oh wait, what bike? i was distracted by the best looking girl!!! she was SUCH a good sport!!

Another selection of AWESOME bikes, lots of them were restored to better than new shape!! these are truly drool worthy!!!

Ok, now some of these customs were just completely over the top, but just incredible engineering went into them... i probably dragged the gf around these 10 or so bikes for an hour snapping pictures and examining the attention to details... if only y'all could have seen them up close, i wish i could have 1/10 of the talent of ONE of these guys!!!

This one blew me away, one of my top two favorites at the show!

And this was my other favorite!

along with this one!! i love a well done girder springer!!

pretty sure this is a TL1000 motor in here

CB 1000R!!! Honda America rep informed me this will make its way to the states soon. replaces the 919 and comes with ABS standard. AWESOME bike!!

These were at the ton up booth, i don't know if the CB belongs to anyone here, but i'm pretty sure it's got a Benjie tank and seat combo as well as one of his oil tanks, looks pretty decent if you ask me. nice little touches here and there i noticed.

Gotta love some italian sex on wheels!!

hey Rob, you getting any ideas??? i hope sooo!!!

VERY sexy here!!

i thought i liked the all black 848

until i saw the white with red framed 848!!!

ohhhh desmodromic valves.... how you will forever allude me!

new daivel, VERY different approach for modern Ducati...

VERY large top...

FAT ass!!! notice the fold away passenger pegs? VERY cool!!

anyone want to do some VERY fast all terrain riding across the desert???

Some VERY custom paint on some very tricked out bikes. not my style, but some of the touches to detail are incredible! i figured Ron would LOVE the metal flake on the mexican bike!!

this is the allstate bike. mostly boring, but the carb setup was VERY trick along with the pipes being somewhat cool!

this is a ROLL UP ramp. the wide one will support 1000 lbs without support rods, 1500 lbs with. weighs 55 of less lbs all together and comes with a trailer hitch mount that it bolts to and allows you to just roll it down and up when traveling. GREAT product!!

Of course Fairless was there with some of his hippie crap!

Jason Britton was there. not the best show, but still very impressive!

Random other race bikes and customs: