It can be a little annoying if one person tends to be...shall we say... a bit "chatty". 
That is why I have never been tempted even a little to get a headset. It'd be like a cell phone - once the world knows you've got one, they call you for any stupid thing. ANd if you don't answer, then they want to give you a hard time about.
'Why didn't you answer you're cell phone? I called you like twelve times. Did you check you're messages? Why didn't you call back, it might have been important. Why do you even have a cell phone if you don't use it? What's you're ring tone? why don't you get something cool for a ring tone? why didn't you answer my text? I texted you a link to new ring tones. If you aren't going to answer texts, why do you even have a cell phone? I called to tell you that I e-mailed you some funny jokes about Chuck Norris. Do you even check you're e-mail? Maybe if you answered your phone sometimes, I wouldn't have to e-mail you. By the way, what's you're MySpace?
Lets go on a ride this weekend. Don't they make walkie talkies for motorcycles? Wouldn't that be great so we could plan where to have lunch?
You didn't answer on your walkie talkie, so I called you cell phone. Is something wrong with your microphone? Maybe we should get it checked. We'll talk about it on the road. maybe I'll look up a repair shop on my blackberry and call you on the cell phone.
tcchhhkkk "Bike one to bike to, you there? I know where the repair shop is, turn left at the next street, over"
tcchhhkkk "No I meant the other next street, now you're on the wrong road, over"
tcchhkkk " Hello? Hello? Where did you go? Are you out of range? I'll call you on your cell phone, over.