ok... i am back in touch w/ the patch maker
the minimum order has dropped drastically, down to only 12 pieces now, but the price goes down drastically the more you order.
when i say drastically, we're talking a dollar a patch in some cases!!!
so, here goes...
we're gettin' patches! 
my paypal account is drained and ready for you all to dump some in. i haven't heard from glenn so we'll just do it that way.
we're shooting for 200 dollars as that is what my last order cost. i would really not like to have any "fronted" money... just more work and repayment from me in the end. if it comes from a single person, maybe 2, that might be ok.
if you are not comfortable w/ sending money before i have patches in hand then don't send money. but, i don't have a spare 200 so i'm asking for your payments so that i may build up a fund and order as soon as there is enough. some of you like hondaman have been waiting for months for already paid for patches.

sorry to those few.
my paypal is springeg@colorado.edu
if we can't make 200 very quickly i might have to drop to a lower production run... patch prices would definitely go up at that point. basically, its all up to you guys now.

when you paypal... in the subject... put patches and number ordered. thanks
[edit] oops, sorry... please send 3 dollars per patch.