So you think my wife is ugly? So what? So you think you won't pay more than $10 for her? So what?
You could move to Saudi and make her cover her face and walk behind you. But then you would have to make sure she did not have a knife......
As for price/location, I picked up my '70 mutt for $750. Was it worth it? Probably not, but I could not find another that was NOT a rust bucket. Granted, I am not keeping the bits that would have been rusted anyway, or the side covers, or the seat, or tank. Let me shorten this list, I am only keeping the engine, forks and frame (most of it). I could have found one in a different city, but when I was looking there did not seem to be too many CB750s in Houston, Austin or San Antonio. I could have picked up a few in Louisiana or Mississippi for half, but would have had to borrow a truck or have it shipped.
I come here for the advice, knowledge and experience, though I have asked nothing yet I know I will have many, many, questions once I start pulling the mutt to pieces. Thanks in advance, by the way. I also come here for pure amusement, it is like the circus without the elephants.