In all seriousness. No, really. I mean it. We have to thank Indy650 for his contribution to this forum. He may not see it that way, but he has made a few things abundantly clear about forum membership. It was his very transparent question that sparked the debate. It may have started as a misunderstood joke, but it clearly hit a nerve.
Thanks to Indy650, we are all the wiser in knowing that there are things, even though well within the forum rules, one should not do.
Such as,
- demand answers, as if somehow entitled to them. And, much worse, call people names for poking fun at the impertinence
- Surf and read all you want, but if you join in the discussion, know that its a "community" with "character" and not just a resource to use at your whim.
- if you mislead, you will be caught, dragged out, and flamed (a modern stoning?)
So, thank you, Indy650.
edit:Now if that sounds like a eulogy, that is what is was meant to be.