OK, the 550 has sat alone all winter with no company but the lawn tractor. Yesterday the temp got up to 12 C, and I just renewed the tag. I'm thinking, hmm, will she start? Fluids, good. Tires (Tyres) check, chain, check. Turn the key, yep power.
. Start cranking, and cranking, and more cranking. She sputters, but won't catch. Damn, battery is to low now. Grab the jumpers, BANG, she starts
, purrs like an old tom cat in a creamery. Hmm, should I take her around the block? Hell why not, the snowbanks are down to 3 or 4 feet high. Threw on the gear and off I go, I don't know if the people I seen thought I was nuts for having the bike out yet, or because of the smile behind my visor.
It's hard to beat that First ride of spring.
Now I just have to change the oil and filter then she'll be ready for the season.
Keep the helmet up top and the rubber on the bottom.