Author Topic: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.  (Read 1501 times)

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Offline Raul CB750K1

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From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« on: April 09, 2008, 04:05:58 AM »
R.I.P Charlton Heston. To each one why should he be remembered: For his acting career, for his NRA activism, for both or for neither. In my case, the former.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 04:56:40 AM »
R.I.P Charlton Heston. To each one why should he be remembered: For his acting career, for his NRA activism, for both or for neither. In my case, the former.

           I enjoyed watching movies he was in. He was one of the greats! His passing (along with others from MY era) reminds me that MY day will be coming one of these days and makes me wish I'd make better use of MY time here on this earth. Sometimes you just don't realize just how fast time is going and when it's gone........................
....IT"S GONE! And that's it! Sorry if I brought anyone down, that's just my thoughts.

                                        Later on, Bill
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Offline Bikebuff

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 05:17:12 AM »
No Bill, you didn't bring me down.  It's the reality of life itself.  I used to work on an inpatient hospital unit (psych) and occasionally someone died on the unit.  Pretty rare but when it happens I didn't forget it.  It calls to my mind making certain of my priorities and how I spend my time.  Most importantly, making the important decisions while you're still alive because you can't make any decisions when you're gone. 

No worries Bill-sometimes we need to wake up on fire to realize we're (still) alive.

Offline Aaron J Williams

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 05:57:03 AM »
I'll remember him for his acting and his activism. I'll never forget "Ben Hur" or "The Ten Commandments" or "Planet of the Apes" and especially not "Soylent Green" and "Omega Man" which are two of my all time favorites. I also won't forget his military service in WWII or the fact that he marched for civil rights with Dr King in 1963. He was one of the first to sound the alarm against political correctness as a weapon in the culture war we are fighting to this day. He was an individual and encouraged all of us to be individuals because he knew that was where our strength is. He knew what the Founding Fathers envisioned and he knew how oppressive government has twisted that dream into the gross nightmare the Founders were most afraid of. He inspired patriotism and righteousness in millions of people and he was even president of the NRA for awhile. We will meet some day at God's rifle range and I will thank him for all he did. That will be a day of days indeed. :)
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 06:06:07 AM »
He was everything he appeared to be. A real man and a real human being. Unfortunately his type is very hard to find.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline firecracker

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 07:50:57 AM »
Met him a few years ago (okay, heard him speak, shook his hand).

You could already tell his memory wasn't 100%.  He was telling a great story about the filming of Ben Hur, then at one point got distracted and started the entire story over, word for word.   

Doesn't take away from who he was and what he did.

Personally, "Keep your stinking paws off me, you damned, dirty ape" is a classic line because of how he sold it.  Proof?  Here's the flip-side quote from the remake.

Just doesn't work without Chuck...

He will be missed...
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Offline tramp

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 07:57:38 AM »
r. i.p.
good actor
good nra spokesperson
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Offline dusterdude

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2008, 01:55:20 PM »
yep.before you know it all the real men will be dead and we`ll be left with sean penn.
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Offline Fuzzball

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 02:23:40 PM »
When I was I think 8 or 10 I saw Planet of the Apes. Everytime Taylor caused a fuss he'd get beat up by the gorillas and I kept thinking "Why doesn't he just stay quiet?---why doesn't he just try to stay out trouble?" And at the end of the movie, after all the beatings and pain and humiliation, he finds that his cause was long lost already.

So is that all there is? Is that the human condition?

I think it is the humanist condition.

Thanks for entertaining us and making us think at the same time. Long live Charlton Heston.

Some Charlton Heston movie quotes.

“A true man is not afraid to show himself, his inner self.  He relies on who he is rather than what he is.”
Gideon (1999) – Addison Sinclair

“One way or another, if you’re persistent, fortune always smiles on you.”
Alaska (1996) – Colin Perry

“I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man - has to be.”
Planet of the Apes (1968) – George Taylor

“There is a beauty beyond the senses, Nefretiri - beauty like the quiet of green valleys and still waters, beauty of the spirit that you cannot understand.”
The Ten Commandments (1956) – Moses

“All border towns bring out the worst in a country.”
Touch of Evil (1958) – Mike Vargas

“It's a good way to stay alive while you're at peace.”
Arrowhead (1953) – Ed Bannon

“Love cannot drown truth.”
The Ten Commandments (1956) – Moses

“Oh, there were women. Lots of women, lots of love-making, but no love. You see, that was the kind of world we'd made. So I left, because there was no one to hold me there.”
Planet of the Apes (1968) – George Taylor
“A policeman's job is only easy in a police state.”
Touch of Evil (1958) – Mike Vargas

“I have always thought that one should move through life accumulating silent victories. I believe that you are such a man, Gideon. One who walks the quiet road.”
Gideon (1999) – Addison Sinclair
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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2008, 04:12:06 PM »
He was everything he appeared to be. A real man and a real human being. Unfortunately his type is very hard to find.

A second on the above sentiments. Also, the individualism statement by Aaron. Individualism is something most
americans don't appreciate anymore.


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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 05:04:01 PM »
I'll remember him for his acting and his activism. I'll never forget "Ben Hur" or "The Ten Commandments" or "Planet of the Apes" and especially not "Soylent Green" and "Omega Man" which are two of my all time favorites. I also won't forget his military service in WWII or the fact that he marched for civil rights with Dr King in 1963. He was one of the first to sound the alarm against political correctness as a weapon in the culture war we are fighting to this day. He was an individual and encouraged all of us to be individuals because he knew that was where our strength is. He knew what the Founding Fathers envisioned and he knew how oppressive government has twisted that dream into the gross nightmare the Founders were most afraid of. He inspired patriotism and righteousness in millions of people and he was even president of the NRA for awhile. We will meet some day at God's rifle range and I will thank him for all he did. That will be a day of days indeed. :)

Well written sir. +1

Offline BobbyR

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2008, 05:30:44 PM »

Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline oldfordguy

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2008, 05:32:26 PM »
I only wish we could have added "President of the United States" to his resume.  He was a true patriot.  I, too, look forward to sending a few rounds down range with him on God's range.

Offline racerx95

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2008, 01:15:25 AM »
What dusterdude said.

Offline lordmoonpie

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Re: From my cold dead hands..... I guess the time has come.
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2008, 01:32:14 AM »
He was well loved on this side of the pond too - a sad sad loss but a brilliant life. God Bless you Chuck!

On the same tack as Bill's post - someone once told me that their Grandad had said to them to enjoy life to the full and you'll never hear anyone on their deathbed say "I wish I'd spent more time in the office". That's stuck with me and I remind myself of it now and then.

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