This is the results of my battery test - I was using my other AGM battery that came out of a running K2 (that had just gone 300 miles the day before so should have been good) and was testing it in my K4 - the bike that "died" while riding home last week....
I was using the testing procedure detailed in the FAQ- Electric section (and as advised by the above posts - thanks guys!)
Voltage with power switched on (not running) - ~12.5V
with headlight on - ~12.2V
Engine running and held at 2500 rpm -~13.5V
Engine running and held at +4000 rpm ~ 14.7V
So according to the FAQ THIS AGM battery is fine and my regulator/rectifier also appear to be fine. So my conclusion is, the other AGM battery for whatever reason has drained/given up. I will recharge it AFTER my NY trip and see if it can hold charge again but for now I think Im good to go for the NY Adirondacks tour next week (well at least thats what I told the g/f who will be riding with me
Thanks for the help and for pointing me in the right direction.