Well, LOTS of progress in little areas lately.
While removing flashing off the juggs, I spotted the '84 cb650 clutch perch I got some time ago, and thought about hooking it up so I can have a choke cable.
It surprisingly went quickly and well for that install.
Had to remove the ninja choke mount, and widen the slot in it to a little over 1/8", then I put one end of the cable in there, and crimped it so it cannot come out, and re-installed it.
Hooked up the cable on the other end, and had to use one of those adjuster nuts for the clutch cable to take up the excess slack, fit it fit OK.
Now I can start my bike with the push of a lever, switch of a key, and hitting the starter button.
Nice and easy!!
I also got my front brake pressure switch to work again.

Took it off, went to my local auto parts store to find a replacement.
The guy sprayed it out with brake cleaner, and tested it.... works fine now!
The missing tach looks funky with the fairing back on now!