This week:
MikeR replaces the front wheel bearings - new retainer, dust seal, o-ring as well.
Install front wheel
Replaced the new front brake caliper seal as I had nicked it ever so slightly when installing Kevins phenolic piston - always remember to use brake fluid to coat the piston before installing! Anyway got a new seal lubed everything up and it all went in smoothly. Bled the brakes and left overnight with brake lever pulled in to get any residual air out the the morning brake was nice and firm and piston was retracting nicely. New brake pads also help a lot
Went for a test ride and after about 10 miles parked the bike and went for a coffee. Came back and battery was almost flat when tried to start it with e-start. No problem...kickstart and ride home. I had changed the voltage regulator the week before so it wasnt that. Lucky I had also ordered a new rectifier so put that in and stopped for the day while I charged the AGM battery. Regulator and rectifier were from Oregonmotorcycles - very easy to deal with and recommend them.
Fired the bike up -no smoking from left sidecover so that was good

. Went for a 20 mile test ride that included a blast on the highway - all felt stable at 80 mph, 6000 rpm

. I was pushing hard to see how the bike felt at speed and how the new swingarm bushings, steering head bearings, firmer fork fluid and new front wheel bearings were working out....pretty good so far

. Ii also wanted to feel how much wind I was getting with the new K0/K1 bars as the riding position has changed and I am sitting a little bit more forward on the seat - have to say its pretty good as well. Lights were all blazing away including indicator lights (these had been very dim the other night with the old rectifier.
Overall result- came back grinning! Finally the bike is ready to ride....
Whats left to do? Well there is still a slight clunk when coming to a stop and I noticed some vibration then as well coming from the bars so I think I still need to re-check the steering head bearings for tightness....will update when I get to that...not this weekend though as off hiking.