I got a new tire mounted on the front and tried to replace the wheel. The brake caliper would not allow the disk as somehow the space between the pads was too narrow. (No, I never squeezed the lever while the wheel was off.
I disassembled the front brake caliper to look for the problem. I had to take the whole assembly to the local shop to get the allen bolts out, by the way -- they were very friendly and loosened them for free.
I found the piston to be seated very firmly and could only be coaxed out by first tapping it IN with a small block of wood and a rubber mallet. Once I was sure it would move at all, I grasped the rim with a long nosed vise grip and it was a b!@$h to get out.
The inside looked smooth and clean, and the rubber o-ring seemed to be in good shape. I lubed the whole thing up, but the piston would not slide freely with the o-ring in position. It seemed to fit very nicely without the o-ring in place. I assume it is supposed to slide pretty freely so it can "retract" back into position when the brake lever is released?
I am not sure how freely the piston is supposed to move normally, and posted this as a long winded question as to what to do next?
I ordered a new o-ring, but am stumped how else to proceed. I don't want to rebuild the caliper if it won't function like that.
