I think this may have something to do with carb syncing, but I just wanted some opinions. When I bought this bike a couple weeks ago, it ran great at low rpms. it would idle at 1100 with no problems or strange noises. It has slowly gone bad though, to the point where when it is warm, it wouldnt idle at less than 1800 (by this i mean the main idle screw was all the way out, and the rpms wouldnt drop below 1800). And when it was warming up, if i dropped rpms below that, it makes a "knocking" noise - I say knocking because I dont know what else to call it. The noise went away as the rpms raise.
I cleaned the carbs today, the slow jets were clogged on 3 of 4 carbs, so now I can get my rpms down low again, but at 1200, there is that noise coming from the engine. Sorry, Im not as experienced as you guys, so I cant really determine where exactly the noise is coming from - it sounds like the middle of the engine i guess. Sorry, I know that sounds stupid, maybe tomorrow I will post a youtube video.
Havent adjusted tappets yet, but I have adjusted the timing, and I thought I did it right. I am going to check that again tomorrow too.
I really think it might be a carb sync issue, but could it be something else? Sorry, I know Im not giving out a lot of info, but ill answer any questions you have to the best of my ability, thanks for any ideas.