rc cars are awesome. I have an old traxxas 4tec nitro. 50mph from the box, that used to be fast. Some day I will get new radio gear and run it again. Also have a first generation rc-10, Talk about a classic!
Anyways, back to cars. I have a beater now, absolutely ugly but would tear through those VWs like nothing! So I have some consolation knowing that if some punk cuts me off, well I can cut his car in 2!

Used to have a 1994 gmc sonoma, I could lay down rubber with that sucker and a cloud that could hold its own on any street! Electrical problems and apartment living required that I give it up. Got a 2000 s10 and while not as torquey, would do 90 all day long and get better mpg than at 60. Felt like a magic carpet ride too!