Finally there is some nice weather here in WI, and had my bike out last week for a quick ride.
It started after a a few minutes of kicking and screaming, nothing bad after a long winter hibernation...but #1 header was not warming up when idling. Pulled the float bowl on #1 and it's as clean and shiney as can be with no deposits at all.
Checked the spark plugs and there is spark on each of them.
After the ride, #1 was as hot as the others, and the second ride the next day it fired right up and was warm when idling. Fast forward to yesterday and it will not start.
It did start for about one minute last night, and idled, but would not respond to any throttle. I checked the cable and it clearly IS moving the carbs when the throttle is opened.
What should I look for next? I've never had to adjust the timing before, but it seems the most likely culpret for me. The only weird thing is that it seemed to run fine last week.