I finally got my bike back together and took it out for a test ride. One of the bugs to iron out is my clutch. It is dragging pretty badly.
This is on my 77 750F2. I installed new fibers from Cycle-X with the same steels I had before, I just cleaned them and scuffed them up a bit with some light scotch bright. The cable isn't smooth though it was new last year and I am not 100% about the routing(hard angle by the triple tree). A new cable was delivered today so that will be changed tomorrow. Oh and I got new heavy duty springs from Cycle-X. Lastly I have a Motion Pro Clutch Lever assembly.
The way I adjusted it was to loosen the actuator nut, tighten down the flat head screw until I felt a drag, then tighten the nut. I originally set it up like the manual says(contact then back off 1/4-1/2 turn). Then I adjusted the cable. At this point the cable has about 0 free play at the lever. It was dragging so bad that the last ride I rode UP a small hill with the clutch lever squeezed. Braking stops it but it tries like hell to overpower the brake.
Also I am running new 20w-50 dino oil. And I drilled the clutch hub as per one of the write ups I found around here aiming to improve my ability to shift into neutral and help oil pressure a bit.
Any input? Rockers Vs. Mods is this Friday-Sunday and I am fighting tooth and nail to get this thing ready. I took the day off of work and plugged away all day on it. Disappointing to have this issue but it is a bugged to be worked out is all.