Well... Ichi,
I'm not sure what or who your "sitting @ the keyboard and fabricating this stuff" reference is directed towards. Is there a single statement made by me that is factually inaccurate?
Regardless, I agree with your opinion this romanticism created around the 'out law' lifestyle and the social elitism is in the least pathetic and at the most dangerous- as in your experience. But being a youngster at 42 yr. old... what could
my life experience possibly be?!
And you're right; the comments made were about styles more so than attitudes. But are the two so completely unrelated? BTW: My uncle (who is a few years your senior) was a biker in the olden days and I don't think he knifed anyone. I could be wrong though.
In my opinion the only people who should be wearing leather chaps and vest are the guy from The Village People and strippers.
-Pretty Boy Bill/ Toe Cutters MCC