I'm confused as to what a 1%er is. AMA has one description and the Outlaws and other Harley only clubs have another. I think the 1%er that I've read about in true crime autobiographies, and undercover books are today few and far between. If you go to church on Sunday, have 2 life insurances, call your wife "bunny", pay your taxes, and if you donate to toys for tots at Christmas, then by God, you are not an Outlaw, as defined by the AMA a hundred years ago.
Now, I understand that the meaning of 1%er has been tweaked and maybe, "softened up" over the years, as bikers from that era matured but still rode almost daily and still did not want to be considered a 99%er. For example, my boss, the owner of a multi-million dollar company was a hell raiser in his day. So much so that he had to leave the country for a year and a half due to his affiliation and membership of a 1%er MC (that I need not mention). At the ripe age of 63, he has his company, 3 boats and a retirement plan that would make most people sick. He is currently a Senior Road Captain and Board Member for Harley Owners Group (HOG). While still rides Harleys and has more outlaw stories than you could listen to in one day, he understands he is no longer the bad ass he used to be, therefor not being a true 1%er.
I can say, at 26 years old, with a hefty PM title at my job, a mortgage, a wife, and 3 little girls, I would have never made it in to any 1%er club 40 or 50 years ago. I would have never had the time! Aside from all the 1%er confusion, I'm for anything on two wheels No matter what make, style, or engine. It's all good in my hood.
- Javier
P.S. This post was not meant to offend any member or the anybody, as I understand my interpretation of a 1%er might and obviously differs from alot of other people's.