Here is my CB400F - note the custom paint job

. This was done by the previous
2 owner - not me. I particularly like that this is apparently a "H" motorcycle. One day down the road, I may try to roll it back to a stock paint and with logos - but not soon. Money is going into making it run. I don't know why the front, front fender support is not on it - but I have it and will add it back.
I will keep this bike relatively stock - only changes will be for ridability. This is not a show/project bike, but a daily driver. Had it 2+ weeks and 1000 miles. Currently just about to hit 31K.
- Needs tires - after payday.
- Napoleons on order (arrive today).
- running about 80% right.

Bellvue, Colorado (near Fort Collins) - in Rist Canyon