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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2008, 10:46:56 AM »
Did you bother to look at any of mine?
So the words right from their mouths, captured on video, don't mean anything to you?  There's no convincing people who are too ignorant to see the truth when it stares them right in the face.  But, just in case you are not as ignorant as your post below would indicate, I'll post it again:

So having all of us show you the corruption of the repubs does not make you think twice? Me thinks(as terry would say) you are the one who is inconceivably ignorant. In your little mind, you are right, everyone else is wrong, no matter what.

At your rate, some repub could say AND have on tape, they they attempted to nuke the planet and you would STILL blame dems. 

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #51 on: May 15, 2008, 11:02:38 AM »
Agreed, the two party system is stupid, and very effective at dividing the people, but not effective at solving problems.  so much so, in fact that all of our recent elections have been split nearly 50/50 down the middle, despite all the turmoil that has been going on in the world.

Did someone hear me say that the republicans are innocent of involvement in the Iraq war?  Well, I didn't say that.  The video proves that the democrats are JUST AS GUILTY.

The only difference in this matter is that the democrats control the media, so they managed to practically re-write history to put the whole blame on the the "other guys".

You know, I was raised to believe that those poor commies only ever got the news that their government wanted them to hear, and I believed it and felt sorry for them for being uninformed and lied to by their leaders. Well guess what? IT'S THE SAME EVERYWHERE! I read and heard news reports when I lived abroad that made me (almost) ashamed to be American. I wonder how much of that news ever got shown over here. It doesn't matter where you live, all media is biased in one form or another. Leaving aside the fact that GW is the worst President I have ever seen, is there anyone out there that still believes there were any ties between 9/11 and Iraq? Based on the nationality of the majority of the conspirators of 9/11 we should have gone to war with the Saudis! But then the Bush family has a long and profitable history with the Bin Laden family. When all flights were grounded, GW had the Bin Ladens flown out of the country despite the protests of the FBI who wanted to speak to these people. Sorry, got sidetracked there. The old divide and conquer seems to be working nicely on we the people. We spend so much time, thought and energy with the Republican versus Democrat mentality that we have no time for issues. Wasn't there an old saying, United We Stand? It would be nice to think that the majority of us think that some kind of health care is actually more important than whether two people of the same sex wish to get married, but I guess I am just dreaming. Ed , you seem obsessed with laying blame, preferably on the Dems and/or Liberal media. I don't see you offering any solutions, just telling us all who to blame.
When I look at GW I just see at best a grossly incompetent President, at worst a lackey of the corporations that appear to run most of the world. I don't need to label him as a Republican to despise what he has done to this country. He is first and foremost a politician, and all politicians look out for #1 regardless of party affiliation. I don't have the answers but despising a fellow American because he voted for a different party is just plain old stoopid! 
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #52 on: May 15, 2008, 12:02:50 PM »
Despite what many people believe the media is not liberal is conservatively biased. 

Read robert kennedy books.  The media is actually controlled by conservatives.  The short of the method they use is repitition.  They pick a few things to say each day and say them over and over on every outlet they have at there disposal...Radio jocks in particular but news channels, the internet, and written word publications also play a role.  They say these particular things over and over until the rest of the news outlets begin spouting the same talking points.

To be perfectly honest I do not see how anyone could call themselves republican or democrat.  How can you follow a party line closely enough to affiliate yourself with that party. 

Example:  I believe that if two guys or two girls want to get married and they can find someone willing to marry them then who the hell cares.  I also believe that gun control should consist of mandatory gun safety courses for every man woman and child in this country as well as a tax credit on your first hand gun purchase.   

Face it people you are all being lied to...the republicans are liars...the democrats are liars...Turn off your TV pick up your phone and call your representatives and tell them how you feel.

That being said I am not out to make enemies here.  There is nothing I like more than being proven wrong. 

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #53 on: May 15, 2008, 02:31:40 PM »

if they dont seem to have any influence then they are definately hiding something from you.

more link:

Thanks for the link Klark.  Interesting organization.  They are very outspoken on their agenda, and obviously not trying to hide anything.  Nor do they seem to have any influence other than writing books and letters.

no Ed.

these guys started the war in Iraq:

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #54 on: May 15, 2008, 02:34:55 PM »

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #55 on: May 15, 2008, 02:42:58 PM »

 Whose War !!!
 It's Our War, like it or not.
  He didn't start this war all by himself. I'm not trying to defend Bush but there was and to a certain extent still is support for it. I don't think we really want to up and walk away, but it's gone on long enough. And IMO, American Lives are worth to much to be lost for what is being gotten in return.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2008, 05:51:44 PM »
Bush lieing to get us into the war makes it HIS war not ours.

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #57 on: May 15, 2008, 06:07:13 PM »
Let's play the blame game.

I blame the Democrats for Bush winning a second term.  If ever an incumbent was beatable, it was Bush.  But guess what?  The Democrats couldn't come up with a decent candidate.  They put Kerry in there, so they lost.

I blame the American people for the mess in Iraq.  I knew before we went to war that the reasons given were bullsh!t and told anybody that would listen.  And I wasn't alone.  It wasn't that I am so smart because the evidence was there for anyone to look at.  But most people are complacent.  As long as they aren't being inconvenienced who cares if some poor slob and his family in some other country are being blown to ribbons.  Who cares if somebody's son or daughter or husband or wife down the street is maimed or killed for no better reason than rich men can get richer. 

I blame the media for not doing their job.  If you go by what they publish, the latest release of Grand Theft Auto is more important than what happens in the real world.  The Bush administration says you can't show the coffins of those killed in the war?  Instead of screaming bloody murder, the media says OK, I wonder what Lindsay Lohan is up to now.  What passes for front page news these days is a disgrace.

It all comes back to the people.  By our collective apathy and disinterest, we allow these things to happen. 

I could rant some more, but I need to get out and till the garden.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #58 on: May 15, 2008, 06:12:56 PM »
Your right ofreen.  I'm wrong.

It amazes me that Bush fooled me with his excuse for war.  I as an individual and we as a people need to take a more active role in our government. 

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #59 on: May 15, 2008, 06:14:51 PM »
Your entitled to your opinion, because I doubt you can prove that with more than hearsay and maybe a few papers that won't get you or anyone else very far. And besides I don't believe GW is that good that he could really doup all of America and the rest of the world. Your giving him way to much credit. I still say it's our war, the American people are fighting and dying and paying not the president or the politicans.

Regan and the Granada joke & the Contra debackle, JFK lied to get us in VietNam, Roosevelt lied about Japan and couldn't wait to get into wwII. They all lie, but it was the American people who went to war not the presidents.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 06:16:57 PM by ekim98 »
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2008, 06:20:32 PM »
Your right ofreen.  I'm wrong.

It amazes me that Bush fooled me with his excuse for war.  I as an individual and we as a people need to take a more active role in our government. 

That's how they stay in power. But again it wasn't just GW, congress has a lot they should be called on too. As an individual they won't let you take an active role unless your with them. Don't fool your self and think much of what any one says really has much sway with any politican.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 06:22:47 PM by ekim98 »
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2008, 06:35:59 PM »
wow, you obviously haven't been paying attention to this thread at all!    ::) ;D

Bush lieing to get us into the war makes it HIS war not ours.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2008, 06:48:33 PM »
Klark, you've got to be kidding, right?  I mean your own source quotes the "money sources" for this so-called PNAC, and that sounds like a joke to me!!!  They got $17,500 (yes, SEVENTEEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS) in funding and that is reported as if this is an evil world-wide organization.  Dude, those guys couldn't buy their way out of a paper bag!!!  With tax, title and delivery, they couldn't even buy a Kawasaki Concours with that!!!

"A report produced for Dick Cheney" doesn't mean a damned thing unless Cheney either asked for it, or paid for it, and there is no evidence that either of those are true.  I could "produce a report for Dick Cheney" right now, but that doesn't mean he'll ever read it, much less agree with it, and he certainly won't pay for it.

Best of all, if this organization were a powerful or influencial group, WOULD THEY BE STUPID ENOUGH TO PUT UP A WEBSITE ADVERTISING IT?  All that would do is piss off all the other world leaders, right?  Just ask the "British Labour MP Tom Dalyell" that your source quoted.  What could possibly be the point?

if they dont seem to have any influence then they are definately hiding something from you.

more link:

Thanks for the link Klark.  Interesting organization.  They are very outspoken on their agenda, and obviously not trying to hide anything.  Nor do they seem to have any influence other than writing books and letters.

no Ed.

these guys started the war in Iraq:
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2008, 07:08:44 PM »
If you go down to the bottom, there is a list of signers of those letters.  Cheney signed their statement of principles.  So there is some involvement there by him, making a report produced for him somewhat of a possibility. 

Are you saying the other signers such as Jeb Bush, Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and a bunch of others couldn't buy themselves out of a paper bag?
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2008, 07:18:33 PM »
Help me out here.  I'm not seeing those signatures.  Where do I go?

If you go down to the bottom, there is a list of signers of those letters.  Cheney signed their statement of principles.  So there is some involvement there by him, making a report produced for him somewhat of a possibility. 

Are you saying the other signers such as Jeb Bush, Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and a bunch of others couldn't buy themselves out of a paper bag?
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2008, 07:41:37 PM »

>Letters/statements >Statement of Principles, then at the bottom is the list of those who signed. 

I like that we can have a civilized discussion about all this stuff.  It is easy just to blame the other side. 
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #66 on: May 15, 2008, 08:30:07 PM »
OK, I see that document now.  I see a list of people at the bottom, but no signatures.  Here's a direct link:

In reading the document, you could easily infer some sinister motive of advancing American principles globally for no other reason than to dominate the world.  Or, you could bear in mind that traditional American principles involve Democracy, Equality, Human Rights, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, and all of the other things specified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Moreover, even if it were true that Cheney, et al, signed that document, the context in which it was produced is highly relevant.  Think about what had happened prior to June 3, 1997.  The Clinton Administration had gutted our defense budget to dangerously low levels.  Military bases were closed all over the nation, leaving hundreds of thousands of Americans without jobs, and many towns that were based around military bases were left with no economic means to sustain themselves.  The World Trade Center had been bombed, and Clinton had done absolutely nothing about it.  Clinton had just handed over nuclear secrets to the Chinese, despite their human rights violations, and the Chinese government's open mockery of Human Rights and Democracy in Tiananmen Square.  Despite the huge security and economic risks, our nation's dominance in both technology and manufacturing was quickly being outsourced to China and India.  There were various other things going on that were outwardly destructive to our stature in the international community.  I've only listed a few that came to mind immediately.  Many of the long-term effects of these developments can be seen today.

So, in short, I can easily understand why patriotic Americans would have embraced many, if not most, of the principles that are outlined in that "Statement of Principles", especially in December of 1997, but also today.  However, I'm not convinced that the PNAC has, in fact, gotten support from any of the people whose names (but not signatures) appear on that web page.  Frankly, anybody can make a web site out there, including whoever the hell "platter" is.

>Letters/statements >Statement of Principles, then at the bottom is the list of those who signed. 

I like that we can have a civilized discussion about all this stuff.  It is easy just to blame the other side. 
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #67 on: May 15, 2008, 08:36:40 PM »
By using a whois search, I found that William Kristol owns the PNAC site.

William Kristol is editor of the influential Washington-based political magazine, The Weekly Standard. Widely recognized as one of the nation's leading political analysts and commentators, Mr. Kristol regularly appears on Fox News Sunday and on the Fox News Channel.

Before starting The Weekly Standard in 1995, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, where he helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. Prior to that, Mr. Kristol served as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle during the Bush administration and to Secretary of Education William Bennett under President Reagan. Before coming to Washington in 1985, Mr. Kristol taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

Mr. Kristol recently co-authored The New York Times bestseller The War Over Iraq: America's Mission and Saddam's Tyranny.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #68 on: May 15, 2008, 08:44:05 PM »
I'm not able to find any actual scans of the original documents, but I didn't find anything that refutes their legitimacy.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #69 on: May 15, 2008, 08:53:29 PM »
Very resourceful, Dustyc.  I guess it is a legitimate organization.  I have to admit that I'm a little put off by the phrase "global leadership", but otherwise I stand by my comments above.  I'm not sure that promoting American principles globally is a bad thing (unless we're talking about MTV, excessive consumerism, and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses).  ;D

Yes, I'm pretty confident, based on your research concerning William Kristol's website ownership, that the membership and names on that Statement of Principles is accurate.

By using a whois search, I found that William Kristol owns the PNAC site.

William Kristol is editor of the influential Washington-based political magazine, The Weekly Standard. Widely recognized as one of the nation's leading political analysts and commentators, Mr. Kristol regularly appears on Fox News Sunday and on the Fox News Channel.

Before starting The Weekly Standard in 1995, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, where he helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. Prior to that, Mr. Kristol served as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle during the Bush administration and to Secretary of Education William Bennett under President Reagan. Before coming to Washington in 1985, Mr. Kristol taught politics at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

Mr. Kristol recently co-authored The New York Times bestseller The War Over Iraq: America's Mission and Saddam's Tyranny.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #70 on: May 16, 2008, 01:42:32 AM »
OK, I see that document now.  I see a list of people at the bottom, but no signatures.  Here's a direct link:

In reading the document, you could easily infer some sinister motive of advancing American principles globally for no other reason than to dominate the world. 

Nobody is infering anything.  The people involved ARE dominating the world.  or at least trying their hardest to. 

Or, you could bear in mind that traditional American principles involve Democracy, Equality, Human Rights, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, and all of the other things specified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

or instead of "bearing it in mind" you could wake up and see all of these principles disintigrating before our eyes.


moreover?  really?  ok.

even if it were true that Cheney, et al, signed that document, the context in which it was produced is highly relevant.  Think about what had happened prior to June 3, 1997. 

time to put on our $hit tinted glasses.

The Clinton Administration had gutted our defense budget to dangerously low levels.  Military bases were closed all over the nation, leaving hundreds of thousands of Americans without jobs, and many towns that were based around military bases were left with no economic means to sustain themselves. 
this is from a completely unbiased source.

I wanted to claim that the economy did a little better under clinton, but i thought i'd better back up my possibly nostalgic memories of that time.  funny thing is, while he was in office i hated the prick and all the humanitarian excuses for economicly motivated military actions in south america and lack of action in places that held no strategic interest.  Turns out it can be much worse.  :-[

The World Trade Center had been bombed, and Clinton had done absolutely nothing about it. 

and yet somehow the whole building didnt implode- wait wrong thread...

Clinton had just handed over nuclear secrets to the Chinese, despite their human rights violations, and the Chinese government's open mockery of Human Rights and Democracy in Tiananmen Square. 

and yet the chinese are not nuking us?  and no action against them has been taken during 8 years of bush.
Oh wait that's right, Bush is too busy selling our childrens childrens asses to the Chinese.
"China's investment in U.S. government debt has more than tripled in the past five years, from $71 billion in 2000 to $242 billion in 2005."
c'mon Bush and China are practically french kissing. 

Despite the huge security and economic risks, our nation's dominance in both technology and manufacturing was quickly being outsourced to China and India.  There were various other things going on that were outwardly destructive to our stature in the international community.  I've only listed a few that came to mind immediately.  Many of the long-term effects of these developments can be seen today.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.    Unemployment was lower during his leadership.  The country prospered.  Our military went where it was welcome and needed to do important things (in addition to being places where it was unwelcomed and doing dirty self interested things to defend our way of life, but every little bit helps.) 

So, in short, I can easily understand why patriotic Americans would have embraced many, if not most, of the principles that are outlined in that "Statement of Principles", especially in December of 1997, but also today. 

a lot of germans embraced the principles of a stronger germany and german leadership of the world a little while back, too. 

However, I'm not convinced that the PNAC has, in fact, gotten support from any of the people whose names (but not signatures) appear on that web page.  Frankly, anybody can make a web site out there, including whoever the hell "platter" is.


Very resourceful, Dustyc.  I guess it is a legitimate organization.  I have to admit that I'm a little put off by the phrase "global leadership", but otherwise I stand by my comments above.  

see my comments above

I'm not sure that promoting American principles globally is a bad thing (unless we're talking about MTV, excessive consumerism, and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses).  ;D

what's left?   ;D

Yes, I'm pretty confident, based on your research concerning William Kristol's website ownership, that the membership and names on that Statement of Principles is accurate.

Very big of you Ed. 

Now.  We have also established that this is not some group of elderly women writing poems about world domination that nobody takes too seriously.  This is the reasoning behind our foriegn policy.  the Foriegn Policy that your Government uses your tax dollars to mete out on a chaotic and dangerous yet vulnerable and beautiful world.  And you thought it was some fringe group's idealistic and well meaning corner of the internet?  Why wasnt the reasoning behind our governments actions made clear to us Ed?  Why the need for lies? 

I am mad that I have been consistently misinformed for as long as i can remember, although more and more agressively in the past 8 years.  I am mad at the media- not for being conserative or liberal, but for being too lazy or beholden to its corporate masters to do its job.  I love my country and am outraged that its constitution is being raped  (clinton's pardoning of some shady people is nothing compared to the patriot act, suspension of habeus corpus, legalizing torture, unwarranted spying on American citizens, and the first ever attempt to ammend the consitition to DENY a right to certain people based on a religious belief.) by this administration.  I love this planet and its people and i want to see them both treated with more respect.  The same things made me mad when the clinton administration was guilty of them and they will continue to piss me off until we the people reunite and stop believing the apolitical corporations who like us divided and dont care a lick about conservative or liberal values and certainly dont bother adhering to one or the other on their news programs any longer than it serves their bottom line. 

you seem like a good guy- why do we disagree?  you are not on their side.  if you were you would have a lot more money.  so why do you defend them?  this more than anything pisses me off to no end.  how they get people that would otherwise be great to have a beer with to be my enemy.  and that is where my anger comes from- not you.  i am not angry with you at all and mean you no ill will. 

I suspect that most Americans would be some sort of Libertarian Bull-Moose Republican with socially consious views about healthcare if there was a party (nothing but another corporation) like that to put their vote behind.  Instead they are like that with their friends and family and turn into a red stater or blue stater in public.  The 50/50 split is an illusion perpetuated by the corporate media and when you think about how much harder it would be to get away with the murder they get away with under that kind of government it is easy to imagine why they'd go through the trouble.   

thanks for reading


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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #71 on: May 16, 2008, 04:51:53 AM »
First of all, Klark, you were right.   I was wrong.  I didn't understand the full depth of the PNAC's influence.  Yes, they were writing about Iraq back in the late '90s too.

Truth be told, I agree with most of what you are saying, too.  The patriot act does undermine many of our American principles and Constitutional Liberties.  Our traditional values and principles have been eroded.  I'm not clear on why we still "need" it, either.  At the time that it was created, the majority of Americans thought that it was appropriate as a set of counter-measures to terrorism, but it should have been phased out rapidly, and it dangerously undermines many of the freedoms our founding fathers fought hard to secure.

No, the Chinese have not used our nuclear secrets against us, YET.  The fact that they own so much of our debt does not sit well with me either.  Imagine telling Americans that they can no longer get cheap chinese goods at Target, Walmart and Kohls?

I referred to the impact of the military base closings, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of associated workers lost their jobs.  That is true.  The fact that we had lots of growth in technology had absolutely nothing to do with the Clinton administration.  Bill Gates, Lou Gerstner, and Steve Jobs had more to do with that than Bill Clinton.  I guess big corporations sometimes get it right, huh?

A BUDGET surplus is not a REAL surplus.  BUDGET surpluses are based on PROJECTED revenues.  Those tax revenues that were PROJECTED during the Clinton administration never materialized, as the economic house of cards collapsed.  Back then there were even books published like "The Long Boom" in which 20 more years of ridiculous growth were predicted.  Those projections and BUDGETS were totally un-realistic and irresponsible.

You are right.  We've all been lied to.  By both the democrats and the republicans.  As I have repeatedly said, the two party system is no good, and it serves only to divide.  Party lines are counterproductive.

Do you feel that it is counterproductive to point out that the democrats supported the Iraq war just as much as the republicans in the late '90s?  It certainly seems pretty relevant to me, and that was the whole point of this thread.

OK, I see that document now.  I see a list of people at the bottom, but no signatures.  Here's a direct link:

In reading the document, you could easily infer some sinister motive of advancing American principles globally for no other reason than to dominate the world. 

Nobody is infering anything.  The people involved ARE dominating the world.  or at least trying their hardest to. 

Or, you could bear in mind that traditional American principles involve Democracy, Equality, Human Rights, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, and all of the other things specified in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

or instead of "bearing it in mind" you could wake up and see all of these principles disintigrating before our eyes.


moreover?  really?  ok.

even if it were true that Cheney, et al, signed that document, the context in which it was produced is highly relevant.  Think about what had happened prior to June 3, 1997. 

time to put on our $hit tinted glasses.

The Clinton Administration had gutted our defense budget to dangerously low levels.  Military bases were closed all over the nation, leaving hundreds of thousands of Americans without jobs, and many towns that were based around military bases were left with no economic means to sustain themselves. 
this is from a completely unbiased source.

I wanted to claim that the economy did a little better under clinton, but i thought i'd better back up my possibly nostalgic memories of that time.  funny thing is, while he was in office i hated the prick and all the humanitarian excuses for economicly motivated military actions in south america and lack of action in places that held no strategic interest.  Turns out it can be much worse.  :-[

The World Trade Center had been bombed, and Clinton had done absolutely nothing about it. 

and yet somehow the whole building didnt implode- wait wrong thread...

Clinton had just handed over nuclear secrets to the Chinese, despite their human rights violations, and the Chinese government's open mockery of Human Rights and Democracy in Tiananmen Square. 

and yet the chinese are not nuking us?  and no action against them has been taken during 8 years of bush.
Oh wait that's right, Bush is too busy selling our childrens childrens asses to the Chinese.
"China's investment in U.S. government debt has more than tripled in the past five years, from $71 billion in 2000 to $242 billion in 2005."
c'mon Bush and China are practically french kissing. 

Despite the huge security and economic risks, our nation's dominance in both technology and manufacturing was quickly being outsourced to China and India.  There were various other things going on that were outwardly destructive to our stature in the international community.  I've only listed a few that came to mind immediately.  Many of the long-term effects of these developments can be seen today.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.    Unemployment was lower during his leadership.  The country prospered.  Our military went where it was welcome and needed to do important things (in addition to being places where it was unwelcomed and doing dirty self interested things to defend our way of life, but every little bit helps.) 

So, in short, I can easily understand why patriotic Americans would have embraced many, if not most, of the principles that are outlined in that "Statement of Principles", especially in December of 1997, but also today. 

a lot of germans embraced the principles of a stronger germany and german leadership of the world a little while back, too. 

However, I'm not convinced that the PNAC has, in fact, gotten support from any of the people whose names (but not signatures) appear on that web page.  Frankly, anybody can make a web site out there, including whoever the hell "platter" is.


Very resourceful, Dustyc.  I guess it is a legitimate organization.  I have to admit that I'm a little put off by the phrase "global leadership", but otherwise I stand by my comments above.  

see my comments above

I'm not sure that promoting American principles globally is a bad thing (unless we're talking about MTV, excessive consumerism, and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses).  ;D

what's left?   ;D

Yes, I'm pretty confident, based on your research concerning William Kristol's website ownership, that the membership and names on that Statement of Principles is accurate.

Very big of you Ed. 

Now.  We have also established that this is not some group of elderly women writing poems about world domination that nobody takes too seriously.  This is the reasoning behind our foriegn policy.  the Foriegn Policy that your Government uses your tax dollars to mete out on a chaotic and dangerous yet vulnerable and beautiful world.  And you thought it was some fringe group's idealistic and well meaning corner of the internet?  Why wasnt the reasoning behind our governments actions made clear to us Ed?  Why the need for lies? 

I am mad that I have been consistently misinformed for as long as i can remember, although more and more agressively in the past 8 years.  I am mad at the media- not for being conserative or liberal, but for being too lazy or beholden to its corporate masters to do its job.  I love my country and am outraged that its constitution is being raped  (clinton's pardoning of some shady people is nothing compared to the patriot act, suspension of habeus corpus, legalizing torture, unwarranted spying on American citizens, and the first ever attempt to ammend the consitition to DENY a right to certain people based on a religious belief.) by this administration.  I love this planet and its people and i want to see them both treated with more respect.  The same things made me mad when the clinton administration was guilty of them and they will continue to piss me off until we the people reunite and stop believing the apolitical corporations who like us divided and dont care a lick about conservative or liberal values and certainly dont bother adhering to one or the other on their news programs any longer than it serves their bottom line. 

you seem like a good guy- why do we disagree?  you are not on their side.  if you were you would have a lot more money.  so why do you defend them?  this more than anything pisses me off to no end.  how they get people that would otherwise be great to have a beer with to be my enemy.  and that is where my anger comes from- not you.  i am not angry with you at all and mean you no ill will. 

I suspect that most Americans would be some sort of Libertarian Bull-Moose Republican with socially consious views about healthcare if there was a party (nothing but another corporation) like that to put their vote behind.  Instead they are like that with their friends and family and turn into a red stater or blue stater in public.  The 50/50 split is an illusion perpetuated by the corporate media and when you think about how much harder it would be to get away with the murder they get away with under that kind of government it is easy to imagine why they'd go through the trouble.   

thanks for reading

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #72 on: May 16, 2008, 06:30:10 AM »
A BUDGET surplus is not a REAL surplus.  BUDGET surpluses are based on PROJECTED revenues.  Those tax revenues that were PROJECTED during the Clinton administration never materialized, as the economic house of cards collapsed.  Back then there were even books published like "The Long Boom" in which 20 more years of ridiculous growth were predicted.  Those projections and BUDGETS were totally un-realistic and irresponsible.

So when did this house of cards collapse? Give you a hint, look at kk's post again. You see it started after Jan 2001. Right about when GW took office. But of course I am sure it is all coincidence and must be the dems fault, right?

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #73 on: May 16, 2008, 08:44:58 AM »
Not that it makes any difference, but actually Eldar, have a look at KK's chart again.  Unemployment began rising in January of 2000.  According to his chart, Bush's economic policies certainly hadn't had time to take effect yet, especially considering that he was not yet the President.

One major factor that I recall very personally was that there were several thousand IT workers hired leading up to 1/1/2000 whose sole job was to "fix" the Y2K bug.  The Fed mandated that banks and stock exchanges certify all applications to be Y2K compliant.  Obviously, there was no reason to continue to employ most of those people after 1/2/2000.  In addition, many large companies thought it would be cheaper and more effective to simply re-write their systems rather than hunt for the Y2K bugs, so there was a huge excess of funded projects in the late 1990s.

I'll say it again:  The two party system is no good, and it serves only to divide.  Party lines are counterproductive.

But, I'll ask this again:  Do you feel that it is counterproductive to point out that the democrats supported the Iraq war just as much as the republicans in the late '90s?  It certainly seems pretty relevant to me, and that was the whole point of this thread.

A BUDGET surplus is not a REAL surplus.  BUDGET surpluses are based on PROJECTED revenues.  Those tax revenues that were PROJECTED during the Clinton administration never materialized, as the economic house of cards collapsed.  Back then there were even books published like "The Long Boom" in which 20 more years of ridiculous growth were predicted.  Those projections and BUDGETS were totally un-realistic and irresponsible.

So when did this house of cards collapse? Give you a hint, look at kk's post again. You see it started after Jan 2001. Right about when GW took office. But of course I am sure it is all coincidence and must be the dems fault, right?
SOHC4 #289
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #74 on: May 16, 2008, 09:48:53 AM »
So y2k was caused by dems? It is BC's fault that nothing actually happened except in very remote cases? Really clinton had nothing to do with that and could not control that.
The tanking of the economy was in direct relation to bush's policies.

A 2 party system is bad, there should be more or none.