Bush is an idiot who made decisions based on his own personal convictions rather than what is right for the country. He covered up the real reason for going to Iraq by using 9/11 to invade instead of the real reason which is trying to force a country into democracy that has major corruption. He knew no one would back him if he used his true reasoning for going to war. I feel he did this so that the negotiations over oil would become easily persuaded by doing the typical politics. i.e. buying your way and using big bucks to get what you want. It is obvious that we are in an oil crisis and I feel he had the knowledge of this long before we really started to feel the pinch. Fact is even if we "win" this war what becomes of it? What did we accomplish? Besides killing thousand of troops and innocent people caught in the crossfire. Bush has done nothing for us besides make the economy in the worst shape it has been in years, gas prices are higher than before and has steadily risen in record numbers, unemployment is on a steady rise, middle class like me feel it the most. We make too much money to qualify for any government plans but not enough to buy groceries and stay afloat. I personally have battled trying to keep the bills paid and try to stay caught up with inflation, the rise of fuel prices so I can get to work, rising groceries prices, everything costs a lot more and is rising. Hell eggs have doubled in price along with milk and other dairy products. Inflation is on a steady rise and Im not making any more money to compensate. This $1600 check I got from the government helped me very little. It just paid bills that we are behind on. Its too little too late and I am sure we borrowed that money from another country as we have been since we are now TRILLIONS in debt to other countries. He spends OUR money like a spoiled brat that he is and has no sense of his actions. He needs to get us out of this multi BILLION dollar war we don't need to fight and get to working on our economy and fix whats wrong HERE. There is no excuse for all the #$%* that is happening here like people starving, families going homeless because they can no longer afford their mortgage, people losing their jobs to overseas cheap labor, children going without health care, people going hungry in our own country and he is off trying to fix another country. How can you back something like this war with things like this going on in our own backyard!? Its time for America to open their eyes and see what happening HERE #$%* Iraq! Fix us first!