Author Topic: Bush's War???  (Read 16801 times)

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #150 on: May 29, 2008, 08:07:10 AM »
Am I just imagining things or does oil go up a buck a barrel every time the ol' bush leaguer rags on Iran...... and 2 or 3 bucks every time he rags on Iran for what they may or may not be thinking about doing to Israel??
The Israelis proved in '67 that they could handle anything that their neighbors could throw at them. If they truly felt threatened by Achmed-Needajob and his prattle, Tehran would quickly become a glowing crater.

There must be chaos in the Middle East so that Jesus will come........

How would he know what gets Jesus off?
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #151 on: May 29, 2008, 08:11:37 AM »
Am I just imagining things or does oil go up a buck a barrel every time the ol' bush leaguer rags on Iran...... and 2 or 3 bucks every time he rags on Iran for what they may or may not be thinking about doing to Israel??
The Israelis proved in '67 that they could handle anything that their neighbors could throw at them. If they truly felt threatened by Achmed-Needajob and his prattle, Tehran would quickly become a glowing crater.

There must be chaos in the Middle East so that Jesus will come........

How would he know what gets Jesus off?

 :D :D :D :D :D +1

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #152 on: May 29, 2008, 09:39:40 AM »
You should follow the news and pay attention.  What happens today is not just because of who the leader is today.  There are decades of history leading up to the current situation, and you have just ignored it all.

Yes, I earn a decent living and I'm proud of it.  You have no right to try to diminish my accomplishments.  I came from a poor family in the Bronx, and I attended NYC public schools through High School.  Then I went to night school at a CUNY college for ten years while I worked full time and raised my family.  Until you've done some of that, then you are just a crybaby looking to lay blame for your screwups on anybody but YOU.

As for me worrying about when my bank account runs dry, what do you think I'm doing about that?  I'm WORKING, SAVING, LIVING WITHIN MY MEANS and LEARNING so that I'll be able to earn more money and keep myself employed, and educate my children.  Try it.  It is hard work, but it is very simple, and best of all -- it works.

As for the rest of your ridiculous rant, it has all been covered here before, including my volunteer work for both "poor" people and children.  Arguing with you is a waste of my valuable time.

Why do you blame Bush for Iraq?  Bill Clinton argued that we should go to war in Iraq long before Bush was the President:   See it for yourself.

No, we did not find the WMD that the Clintons, Albright, Edwards, Bush, etc. claimed were there.  But, we have not had any serious terrorist attacks on us since 2001.  We have thwarted many attacks both in the US and globally, but those unsuccessful attacks just don't make good headlines, huh?

If you really feel that the irrational exuberance [Alan Greenspan, 1996] of the late 90s was the basis of a "good economy", then I guess you can't help being disappointed that the technology keg ran dry and the music slowed to more rational levels.  Yes, it sucks that the ridiculous party had to stop, but it sure isn't Bush's fault.

Don't blame bush?? I am quite apalled at that. He pulled the trigger. Saying and doing are two different things. CLinton at least helped the economy to a degree. You can link to all kinds of stuff but I don't listen to news or follow stories, I go with what I see everyday and what I live in. You must be rebublican and have money (not to attack your personal character but thats usually who are Bush supporters, if you aren't then I stand corrected) you have money to protect, you don't feel what us lower class citizens feel. You can put $100 of gas in your SUV and not flinch. Bush is lining his pockets and made a bed that the American people have to lie in. He still comes out rich and above it all while we all pay for his action. EVERYTHING is done on behalf of the almighty dollar. Money reigns over everything. Explain how the Bush family had ties with Bin Ladens family? I feel 9/11 is because of a business deal gone wrong and was payback for stepping on thier toes. Your saying he has kept terrorist out of the US? Wake up, he IS the terrorist. He makes the poor decisions and his backers don't question. Of course they (media backed by Republican$ i.e. fox news etc.) would say they are keeping the terrorist out of the US so that they can justify our retarded president actions. Everyone is bought or persuaded to beleive in this crap about why we are over there but its clear to me why. Let them try to come over here and to terristic acts. You think us americans will let somone come over here and invade us? Not likely. Let them try. I will be the first to shoot their head of their shoulders. They tool over planes with Box cutters, wow GENIUS! Maybe if they government took the threats given long before and did theier job we wouldn't be in this prediciment. But once again we have been let down by the government that we hold too high. Its all corupt. I am just sick and tired of waiting on them to do something to fix whats wrong here and I am ready for a change. You can argue with me till your blue in the face but you are the minority, I can guarantee that. So keep supporting that douchbag but remember when your bank account is dry and your pushing your SUV remember who is part of the problem and who is part of the solution. Somethings got to give and it will with an almighty blow. Just think that if we invested all this money on the US economy and fixing healthcare and supporting OUR people then on this BS war how much better off we would be? You may or may not care because you haven't felt the pinch yet but its a matter of time. It's just sad to see how blind some people can be about what is going on around them. Have you visited a food bank? Yup, middleclass folk have to go there to eat because they make too much money to get government support. Have you been to louisiana? oh ya we forgot about the thousands that are still homeless. What about the children dying here because they can't get the healthcare they need. You don't care because its not YOUR kid. Something will hit home for you and you will see. More and more people are waking up and realizing that we are getting the short end of the stick. You say its not his fault but what has he done to FIX IT? Jack S&$T!
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Offline edbikerii

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #153 on: May 29, 2008, 09:52:08 AM »
Oh, by the way, I remember 1973.  I was waiting on line for gasoline in my Dad's car for hours.  We had crippling stagflation and we were getting beaten up by the media over Vietnam.  After we pulled out of Vietnam, the Khmer Rouge rose to power in Cambodia and commited genocide to the tune of 3,000,000 innocent people.
SOHC4 #289
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #154 on: May 29, 2008, 10:07:03 AM »
Yes you WAITED IN LINE. You did NOT pay the equivalent of FOUR DOLLARS A GALLON. You seem to be missing that point ed.

Also what will you do if your saving becomes not enough? What if no matter how hard you work, you cant feed your family? Sooner or later, you will get hit too. I bet we hear you crying about it too.

Also being as how you know NOTHING boost's life, Maybe you can get off your own soapbox.


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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #155 on: May 29, 2008, 10:29:55 AM »
So who's to blame? Me? Its all my fault, mystery over.  ::) Its my fault that inflation  is taking over most americans. Your lucky because you were able to put yourself through college when times were a little different then now and get settled before the sh^t hit the fan. But try doing that now. Drive your poor ass to college with $4 gallon gas. Live off Ramen noodles and make minimum wage now. Work an hour of your life to put a hair over a gallon in your tank. Don't preach to me about you know what its like because things were different when you went through your struggles. Try doing what you did NOW, then come talk to me that you know whats its like.It's easy to say things are good when your standing on the other side of the fence watching from the outside. But Lets not learn from the past, let our president keep dragging us through the mud. Hell don't blame him, he just runs the fu&king country. Its not his fault. Poor guy. Lets debate on who's fault it is. I would think that coming from someone who rose from nothing would be a little smarter in what you are saying. Things were the way they were then, things are the way they are now, PERIOD. Hooray, you made it. Vote for McCain's dumbasss so we can drag this sh*t on longer. Hell lets get nuclear with another counrtry then it all won't matter at all anymore.

Offline heffay

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #156 on: May 29, 2008, 10:51:40 AM »
Maybe you can get off your own soapbox.

is it not obvious that we'll never see the day?
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #157 on: May 29, 2008, 11:33:43 AM »
 Hey Ed - the boys are giving you a drubbing - time to tag up, I'll take on Eldar ;D  he doesn't scare me.  ;D

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #158 on: May 29, 2008, 11:43:53 AM »
Oh yeah, generation after generation says the same old story.  "Things are harder for us now".  Puleez.  My grandfather nearly got himself killed fighting in WWII just so he could come to the United States and work as a freakin' longshoreman, busting his @$$ all day unloading crates and boxes from ships.  My grandmother worked as a sand-blaster (yes, a 5'1" female sandblaster) during WWII.  You didn't hear them making BS excuses for why things are so hard today.

I worked for minimum wage flipping freakin' hamburgers & hot dogs and another job mopping floors in my large apartment building for $20/month (much less than minimum wage, even back then).  I didn't put gas in my tank because I couldn't afford a car.  I took the damned bus to my minimum wage jobs, or I just plain walked.  Still, somehow, I managed to put myself through school and raise my family without crybabying about how hard it was.

So I don't need to hear any more excuses.  If I could work hard and rise above that, ANYBODY can do it.  Or do you somehow think that I'm "different"?  Hey, some of you guys seem to think I'm stupid.  Some of you even think you are smarter than I am.  Then what the heck is your excuse, then?

So stop wasting time crybabying on the freakin' Internet and go pick up a book.  Maybe you'll learn something that will change your life.

So who's to blame? Me? Its all my fault, mystery over.  ::) Its my fault that inflation  is taking over most americans. Your lucky because you were able to put yourself through college when times were a little different then now and get settled before the sh^t hit the fan. But try doing that now. Drive your poor ass to college with $4 gallon gas. Live off Ramen noodles and make minimum wage now. Work an hour of your life to put a hair over a gallon in your tank. Don't preach to me about you know what its like because things were different when you went through your struggles. Try doing what you did NOW, then come talk to me that you know whats its like.It's easy to say things are good when your standing on the other side of the fence watching from the outside. But Lets not learn from the past, let our president keep dragging us through the mud. Hell don't blame him, he just runs the fu&king country. Its not his fault. Poor guy. Lets debate on who's fault it is. I would think that coming from someone who rose from nothing would be a little smarter in what you are saying. Things were the way they were then, things are the way they are now, PERIOD. Hooray, you made it. Vote for McCain's dumbasss so we can drag this sh*t on longer. Hell lets get nuclear with another counrtry then it all won't matter at all anymore.
SOHC4 #289
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #159 on: May 29, 2008, 12:00:09 PM »
I never said things were harder, things are DIFFERENT. Society has built us up to beleive we need transportation, we need gas, we need all this crap and now that we are so deep into it we DO NEED IT to survive. You can't use history as an excuse for things that are happening in the now, period. My grandfather fought in wwII and my other grandfather fought in Vietnam , I never heard them #$%* either. I also never heard them complain about not being able to access thier e-mail, or not able to afford thier cell phone bill. Why? Because things are DIFFERENT now. They didn't have the issues we do now. You obviously are oblivious to my point. I also never said you are stupid either and I do not feel you are. Hell, having this debate actually gives me respect for you in that you fight for what you beleive but that still doesn't lead us anywhere. First you have to recognize the problem before you can change it and I don't think you are there yet. You are too swaddled up in your old beliefs and don't recognize whats going on around you. You are right you have risen up above everything and I think thats your problem. Your so high up you don't see it anymore. You went from defending Bush to trying to tell me how hard you had it and you are all caught up in the little things when in reality your looking thorugh it all to busy focusing on things that don't matter. Take it for what it is but until I am given facts and I see a change its all hogwash to me.

Offline heffay

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #160 on: May 29, 2008, 12:02:07 PM »
hogwash, I tell ya, hogwash.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #161 on: May 29, 2008, 12:10:41 PM »
really?  seemed more like hooey to me.  poppycock at times, with a little baloney on the side, but mostly hooey. 

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #162 on: May 29, 2008, 12:14:18 PM »
with a huge side of malarky.

Offline heffay

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #163 on: May 29, 2008, 12:19:20 PM »
anyone notice this thread completely drug the forum down as soon as it was started.

this thread smells like death.  will the hovering vultures just please carry away the carcass?
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #164 on: May 29, 2008, 12:27:33 PM »
sorry ???


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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #165 on: May 29, 2008, 12:36:46 PM »
We could start an oil or gun thread. That should last until this one dies! ;D

Offline heffay

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #166 on: May 29, 2008, 12:38:11 PM »
you're a voice of reason in this thread junkiee...

you had nothing to do w/ what i'm talking about.  although, i think you revived it.   :P
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
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Offline DammitDan

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #167 on: May 29, 2008, 01:07:26 PM »
Racism!  Politics!  Religion!  Iraq!  Oil!  Gasoline Octane!  Which Tires Are Best For My Bike!  How To Respond To Someone Putting Tape On Your Gas Tank!


And here I was thinking this thread died 2 weeks ago...  Thanks a lot Terry!  ::)


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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #168 on: May 29, 2008, 01:25:28 PM »
Sorry, I didn't realize this was squashed. I should have looked at the born on date  :-[

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #169 on: May 29, 2008, 04:27:57 PM »
anyone notice this thread completely drug the forum down as soon as it was started.

I can't say I did.  There are a lot of threads going on the forum other than this one.  I think the forum is strong enough that people can disagree in one thread about stuff and the discussions about tank sealers and tach drive seals can go on in the others with no problem.
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Offline heffay

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #170 on: May 29, 2008, 04:36:36 PM »
anyone notice this thread completely drug the forum down as soon as it was started.

I can't say I did.  There are a lot of threads going on the forum other than this one.  I think the forum is strong enough that people can disagree in one thread about stuff and the discussions about tank sealers and tach drive seals can go on in the others with no problem.

well ok, let's just argue some more then.
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #171 on: May 29, 2008, 05:06:23 PM »
well ok, let's just argue some more then.

My mom used to say it takes two to tango.  If you don't want to argue, then don't.  You can easily avoid this thread.

If you have read my posts in this thread, you'd see I agree with your point of view on Bush's culpability, but I think it would be wrong to suppress the discussion.  Everyone has defended their point of view strongly, but it has been civil.
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #172 on: May 29, 2008, 05:37:42 PM »
Erm, doesn't an ex-president of the US do very well by doing speaking tours at $100,000 per hour? I don't think they have to worry about 'getting' rich as a result of what they have or haven't done during their presidency. ???
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #173 on: May 29, 2008, 06:02:50 PM »
well ok, let's just argue some more then.

My mom used to say it takes two to tango.  If you don't want to argue, then don't.  You can easily avoid this thread.

If you have read my posts in this thread, you'd see I agree with your point of view on Bush's culpability, but I think it would be wrong to suppress the discussion.  Everyone has defended their point of view strongly, but it has been civil.

dude... i was done trying to get my point across in this thread a long time ago... i'm just trying to rile things up at this point.  seems to me that's all anyone is doing.   ;)
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Re: Bush's War???
« Reply #174 on: May 29, 2008, 06:16:10 PM »
That's very true, Nick.  Also, the funding they get from the criminals they all pardon on their last day in office, the multi-million dollar book deals, the huge presidential pensions, secret service protection, housing allowances, office allowances, the multi-million dollar law-firm partnerships they are offered in order to bring Presidential prestige to law firms, etc.

On the other hand, a President might be "indebted" to some of the constituents who put him in office, so might make some decisions with a bias.

In the end, though, the President's finances have got to be the most scrutinized finances of anyone on the planet today.  If any President were 'getting rich' from his official actions, he would be discovered immediately and impeached.  Or worse yet, he'd be found out by the opposing party and blackmailed.

These days it is so hard to hide money (especially a lot of money) thanks to the Patriot Act, and SarbOx, too.

Erm, doesn't an ex-president of the US do very well by doing speaking tours at $100,000 per hour? I don't think they have to worry about 'getting' rich as a result of what they have or haven't done during their presidency. ???
SOHC4 #289
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