I don't know about anybody else, but I've seen a definite progression in my riding safety over the years... first, I was scared, but I think the most dangerous period was when I relaxed.. and took more chances and took things too close.. too fast on curves... cutting in and out of traffic..... then, I reached a position of mutual respect, and expect people (and myself) to be stupid!
I think I learned the most from riding bicycles... I learned to MAKE people see me... even on a bike, I took a full lane and rode next to the center line to force people to pass me..On the highway, I ride next to the centerline so some bozo won't try to squeeze me onto the shoulder.. The same at stop lights.. I'd stay in the middle, so some asswipe wouldn't try to squeeze both them and me into one lane... we have a right to our full lane, but sometimes, we have to take it for ourselves.. I also have learned to always leave a ton of room in front and behind me, and often will flash my brakes if I see some Jaggoff coming up on me too fast... space in front also give me time to react.. When I'm coming up to a corner, I also keep a close eye on their car, and if someone is turning left, I often flash my brights at them, and always pull over to the right a little, in case they do try to turn, it gives me a little more time to get out of the way... Of course, I'm also not the type to hot Rod around..