Hi everyone, I've just recently purchased and registered a '78 cb750 here in Grand Rapids, MI. I had a small issue registering it because the previous title had the engine number as the VIN number, but I got that cleared up with an inspection. The motorcycle looks a little bit rough, but it seems to be running ok. I has a seat from what looks like a cb350 strapped onto it, and the tank is painted a stupid color. It also has a weird aftermarket airbox that doesn't have an air filter in it, but I should have that sorted soon too (might just run some cheap pods). The ignition is retarded a little too far, so once I get a timing light I should be fixing that also (getting a transistorized ignition from Hondaman to help with this also). I expect to have a number of other issues that I'll need help on, the information on this board has helped me already. Thanks for your help and interest.