I saw a couple on a Yamaha sprotbike at a gas station today.
The bike was on the sidestand, the female passenger never put her feet down. Helmets stayed on. They must have used credit card, because it is pay first here..
I have never seen anyone do this, I know bikes have overflow catchers now, but I would never attempt to refuel without getting off the bike.. just used to doing it that way..
I was so engrossed watching this.. thinking that they would probably both leap off and dump it if it really overfilled and ran to the seat..MEANWHILE...
I was so busy watching & thinking of all the bad that could happen that I was not fuelling correctly myself..

.. I think I spilt a ltre or 2 before the guy at the next pump said, "Dude, its not going in the tank!!"
I think I looked like a GHOdork..

Is it just me or are riders different these days