Father Honda I have sinned,
I have used name calling in several of my post last week.
I said Tree-hugger once. Jap a few times, but not in a bad way. I always call familys of the few Native Americans the white man did not shoot with his handgun when he came to this country Indians. I always refer to Terry Prendergast from Australia as Terry from Ozzieland when in my heart I mean OZ as in "the wizard of", that has been a secret joke for me. I called the Woodchuck under my shed a groundhog yesterday. I told my bike I loved it knowing I have lusted after the 2005 Honda Aero for months. I said Raul is whiney and testie at times. I said thank you last Friday but I meant Bite Me to the guy that told me motorcycles can kill you. I have told people my last name was Killer Eagle instead of Quail. I sold a part on Ebay for more than it was worth ONCE. I called my dog stupid 1850 times this during breakfast. I started this post so people would think i care about others feelings when I really don't care what any of those a$$ kissing,tree-hugging, fag, Democrat, Republican, Communist, Left- or Right-Wing whatever, Buck toothed, ugly, stupid, John Bircher, living outside of the good ol USA, white, black, nazi, Dusterdude (made fun of my last name) people think!
Oh yea I also said a$$ kissing,tree-hugging, fag, Democrat, Republican, Communist, Left- or Right-Wing whatever,Buck toothed, ugly, stupid, John Bircher, living outside of the good ol USA, white, black, and nazi this week.