Hello All, Just got my dream bike (at least it was 20 some years ago). It's been sitting in a field (well it looks like it) with last registration tag in 1984, she's a '78 CB750 F1 Supersport. Yike, only 12k miles on the odo, off the DMV system and she's taking shape after a lot of hard work. The engine still seems tight, the Carbs are operational but a bit gummy, the tires are loaded with good tread (rotten of course) the Tank has rust in it, there are a plathora of missing parts (I think I might own a controlling interest in E-Bay by now). I've taken before and I'm taking during project pics and will start posting them as soon as I figure out where and exactly how. For now, the rust is receeding in favor of new paint and cosmeticly she's starting to look pretty cool. I just wish I had a color electric schematic for the '78 F1. I think I can figure out some of the problems here eventually but the Clymer manual I have is miniature and black and white so even a magnifying glass doesen't help much. Anyway, great to find a cool group like this. Hataway Pines, CA is the heart of great motorcycle riding country so when I get her going, I'll be winding round those sweeping curves. See you there.