Author Topic: I just moved to Berkeley... any cammers out here to ride or wrench with?  (Read 1461 times)

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I am looking for someone to show me the process of tuning up my '72 cb836k2 ...  I have the manuals and understand it intellectually, but I do best when I have hands on experience.  I don;t want to hose something up and not be able to ride any more.

I just today found the twisty roaads up in the berkeley hills.  I ran into a plague of sprt bike riders passing me like I was standing still despite the tight turns and a lack of visibility of oncoming traffic...   gorgeous views of the bay and the university.

Anyway, just checking oin to see if I am close to anyone who would be up for a ride and/or a wrenching session now and then.

good riding to you,


Offline Uncle Ernie

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There's mechs all over the Bay Area. Might hang out at "the Wall" and see what anyone has to say. Also, friendly folks at Farley's (lots of bikes esp Sat and Sun) on Potrero Hill.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

Offline mrbreeze

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Hey Adam, Are you the guy that was posting from Oroville earlier in the year? I was kinda wondering what happened to you.I am just about to get mine on the road and if you moved to Berkely I think you are a bit closer to me (Modesto). I had to rebuild my,rebuild swing arm, abunch of other stuff but I think I am just about to the point where I trust it to make a run.I am awaiting delivery of the Morgan Carb Tune from England...should be here this week. When I get a good sync on the ole girl,Iwill let you know and we can hook up and do a good putt somewhere.Anyhow,stay in touch and I'll try to get er done quick! Later...MrBreeze
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......


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Hey Mr. Breeze.  Yup I moved from Oroville to go to Massage School in Emeryville.

I'll be here until I graduate in March... after that, who knows?

LEt me know when your ready for a ride.  I just rode up hwy 1 to bodega bay... that was a really nice ride.  There are so many  bikes out here.  I counted 10 Ducatis in 30 miles!

Uncle Ernie...  Where's The Wall?  I will do a web search on Farley's...

I visited Charlie's in SF.  We didn't hit it off very well...  I like to learn from my mechanics and share ideas..  He disagreed with evrything I said and was quite the ego monster...  acted like who do I think I am thinking I know ANYTHING about my bike... *smile*

I think I just need to get to wrenching and learn by just jumping in..

Offline scondon

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Hey Adam, welcome to Berkeley. I'm in Oakland,just up 40th street from downtown Emeryville. I'm in the garage most weekends getting the F2 project finished so your welcome to stop by and use some tools, manuals, whatever. Might even show ya a thing or two about tuning if you buy the burgers :). Click on my user name to get my email.

    Charlies place is well known in The City and across the states. They are THE place to go for service and parts 'cause they do hundreds of CB's a month. They are not, however, the place to go to shoot the breeze and talk about working on bikes 'cause they have 50 people coming in a week trying to do just that. Try Tyler at Hayasa Motorbikes in Oakland(near Laney College). He's a stand-up guy who works on old Japanese sportbikes and will at least smile while he gives ya the "brush off" :) Just kidding, Tyler.

    "The Wall" is on Grizzly Peak above Memorial stadium and the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley. Just head up Grizzly peak any weekend day and look for the bikes in the turnout with a short, crumbly wall.
Give me..a frame to build a bike on, and my imagination will build upon that frame