I think the earliest Magnachargers had the belts showing, but not sure. Then they went to a kit for the Kawi that replaced the clutch cover & extended up to the blower with a cover over everything. I am thinking they also did that for Honda 750. I know that some later RC Eng catalogs had a good clear pic of the Kawi setup.
I cant remember how the Honda was driven, but if I get one I will go of the crank side.
I have a Ford 3.8L bolwer sitting here, thought I could get it to work.. but it is just physically too big.
The one I am trying to get a hold of right now is used on the newer MINI,s From the measurement I got so far, it sounds like it will fit behind the carb spigots and be similar to your pic, in fact maybe a slight bit shorter(good thing). I have not found the ratio of the stock Mini drive yet, but it appears to bebetween 1.6 to 2-1 overdriven.. and it is for a 1.4 or 1.6liter engine.. So I am thinking at 1-1 it will be closed for a 970 or 1000cc Honda.. The drive snout will probably have to be shortened.
I have hundreds of bike magazines fronm the 70's, mainly custom mags... I could probably find some pics if I ever get the time to start looking... You can blow 3 hrs reading them mags,, ond only get thru a few of them..