Hey there.
I'm mark, the "hillbilly" is something that's been with me forever, it's actually the high-school mascot where I graduated here in Ozark, AR.
here is a photo of an old car I used to have in front of our stadium before they rebuilt it...blackmail photo I guess...but, you can see the Hillbilly there, LOL!
I'm 35, I live with my son whom I've had custody of since he was 14 months old back in 1994, we're taking care of my parents who are in their 70s. My mom is the koolest old lady you'll ever meet...ever see a 75 year old church lady who's a fan of music that comes from the likes of Type-o-Negative? That's my mom...Dad was a small part actor and rodeo cowboy from the 1950s, now he sells fresh produce and gripes a lot. How these two ever got along long enough to conceive me is anyone's guess. I'm not married anymore, tried it twice, and don't plan on trying it again...I like women,
exclusively, but the ball-and-chain is just bad luck for me.

I've got a history of restoring/customizing vintage cars, I've got college degrees in the stuff...but I would rather work on mechanical things as a hobby and a sort of therapy, and use my future degrees for something more profitable.
I have a 1971 CB750 that I bought dirt cheap because it had been laying on it's side for quite some time, long enough to rust a hole bigger than my fist in the oil tank. I bought it with the intention of scrapping the engine and just using the frame because it was locked up and had been laying there open to the elements forever...but...I decided to take it apart.
One rod is bent, one piston cracked and one cylinder cracked at the bottom...the valve cover was missing and the rockers are rusty, as is the cam, but the inside of the engine was surprisingly free of rust and other nasty things...oh, a couple scorpions, but oh well.
basically cleaning things up a bit, having the crank checked for trueness, deciding whether to go with a big bore kit or back to standard, it's gonna be a build that takes place over a few months, because I'm between jobs right now and finishing up my BS in Psych. When the refund for my grants/loans comes in, I'm buying goodies

The frame is worse off than I thought, rusted through in a couple places, so I'm probably going to buy a roller from one of the custom frame builders, or have a Local guy,
Gary Hunt fab one up...he's been building bikes since before I was born.
Anyway, I've been lurking here for a while since I started looking for a CB to fix up...I figured I had better go ahead and sign up since I've started working on it.