Hi rob
Hard to say wether you need one or two holes shut. If the white plastic seal is a bit worn, then two shut might be better.
You can always play a bit with oil weight, 5W 10W, etc. + the nice thing is that if it's still too firm, you can always drill back the hole for less damping. 150 mm (without springs, forks legs fully up) sounds a good starting point. Changing the oil height is the easiest way to avoid bottoming. The best way to know quickly if you have OK damping/springing is to lightly tie a zip tie around one fork tube and see how far up it goes after a track session. You should still have some fork travel left for safety, if it bottoms or doesnt use enough frok travel then you know you are too soft or too hard.
Had a strange race. In qualifying I had very good times, but the race was held with a 35 degrees heat (100 F) and my head was about to explode, Then I had a moment on the main straight, almost touching handlebars with another guy at 160 kph and that threw me off a bit...so didnt do really well, was slower by 2 secs than in practice, 15th out of 24, my worst result since starting racing....
there's always the next one!
611 is the guy I almost crashed with, also on a 500 SOHC