Do the individual carb height adjusters allow the slides to close completely when the idle knob is backed off? Did you use the drill bit method for carb Sync?
the height adjusters "looked" to be doing there job properly.
used drill bit then "needle/gauge" style sync tool (witch i hate, i might add)
Kinda side stepped the issue there, Spikey. You decide if this is part of your carb problem. Is your current problem new, or has it been there since your last drill bit sync?
The drill bits keep the slides from closing fully. If all the individual adjusters are skewed equally, you can achieve carb sync and even vacuum sync later. But, the slide travel can be limited by skewed adjusters and not let the slides close down to where the need to be at warm idle.
You should look inside the carb throats with a flashlight and see if the slides will fully close with the idle knob backed out and the throttle cables disconnected. If not, then you get to do the re-synch over again.
This is one reason why I don't care for the drill bit method, btw. I adjust each one until light won't pass at each carb slide (off the bike), then vacuum sync with the running bike.