Author Topic: How much oil goes in that thing?  (Read 2213 times)

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How much oil goes in that thing?
« on: April 11, 2005, 04:56:58 AM »
Ok, I just "changed" the oil in my 750 K8, and this was the first time I used quart bottles instead of jug oil.  Why does the the capacity sticker on the "tank"/reservoir/manual say 3.7 quarts?  After running for 5 minutes and 3 initial quarts into the tank, I was over the full mark by a couple inches.  In reading the change instructions later in the manual, it says to add 2 quarts, run, check again.
For the change, the bike was hot, I drained the reservoir, sump, rotated the kick start a couple times and the filter was changed, all of it was on the center stand.  What did I do wrong?  I have change lots of oil, so are these bikes like automatic transmissions, half the oil held up somewhere?

Offline Darrell

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Re: How much oil goes in that thing?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 06:16:28 AM »
Same thing here. Even after riding for a few miles after the change, it never needed as much oil as the manual says. OIl pressure light never comes on, so I don't worry about it.