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F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« on: May 07, 2008, 06:07:04 AM »

F-18 with flat tire doing amazing stop. Designed in the 1970s for service with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps, the Hornet is also used by the air forces of several other nations. It has been the aerial demonstration aircraft for the Blue Angels since 1986.


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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 06:19:01 AM »
I`ve seen that done in cars, on bikes and even in semi trailers but never in a fighter jet.
With all that horsepower its a shame it cant do burnouts too lol

Offline bill440cars

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 07:21:16 AM »

      Oh yeah! 8)  You are right Hope, That was really impressive the way the pilot handled that! ;) I'm assuming that the anti skid brake system works basically the same as on the earlier fighters, I know that it really helps to slow a plane down in a controlled manner. I have seen cases though where the pilot applied the brakes before the wheels touched down and this can cause blowouts. For those who don't know, the wheels have to make a full revolution before the brakes are applied. Otherwise, the wheels will be locked when the plane touches down. and tires don't stand a chance. :-\ 

                                  Later on, Bill ;)
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Offline burmashave

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 08:43:15 AM »
Very cool, indeed. I once parallel parked a car that way, but I wasn't intending to do it, and my car didn't have a blown out tire (or tyre for you folks on the metric system).

This may be a repost in this forum, but along a similar vein, did you guys hear about the Israeli F15 that landed with only one wing?

From the History Channel

The folks from Grumman said it was absolutely impossible until they came out and inspected the aircraft.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 05:01:42 PM »
Very cool, indeed. I once parallel parked a car that way, but I wasn't intending to do it, and my car didn't have a blown out tire (or tyre for you folks on the metric system).

This may be a repost in this forum, but along a similar vein, did you guys hear about the Israeli F15 that landed with only one wing?

From the History Channel

The folks from Grumman said it was absolutely impossible until they came out and inspected the aircraft.

           I'm thinking I heard about it but hadn't seen it. Pretty impressive flying there. 8) Worst I'd ever seen myself, was an F-4 coming in to land with only the main landing gears down and locked. The nose wheel wouldn't lock in place. So, the pilot kept the nose of the plane up until the very end of the landing. There was minimal damage to the airframe.

            DID have an interesting one one time though. Another F-4 (of another squadron there) lost hydraulic power while they were out over the ocean. The pilots prepared to eject. They started the procedure, the rear canopy blew off, the GIB (guy in back) ejected, the front canopy blew off and the pilot................just sat there waiting...............and nothing happened! :o Now, at this point, the pilot was sitting on an ARMED seat that could go at any moment. :-\ (the ejection seats on the F-4's were modded and had Rocket Motors added to allow ejection even if the plane was sitting still on the ground). The pilot decided to make a "last ditch effort" to get control of the plane and was able to get some control of the plane and bring it in at our base. The F-4 has a telescopic pole that guides the set out of the plane and when the plane landed, the rear pole was sticking up out of the plane an both canopies were gone. Needles to say, the end of the runway was crowded with all sorts of folks to check out the situation and also to secure that ejection seat before it could go off. Also, the pilot called his wife to get her to bring him a change of clothes (cause he definitely had "an accident" in what he was wearing) and didn't tell her what had happened (didn't want to worry her). Well, she told him that as soon as her show went off, she'd be there. The man got totally po'd, asked a Sgt. to take him home, got there, the s#*t hit the fan, he changed clothes (and freshened up), came back out to the guy who drove him and said (in a very nice way) "I ready to go now". :D

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Offline burmashave

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 05:47:59 PM »
Good story, Bill. Thanks for serving.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2008, 04:45:58 AM »
Good story, Bill. Thanks for serving.

            Thanks burma, I'd do it all over again, except I'd have gone directly into Acft from the start. I startd off in Wheeled Vehicle Maint. and because of some realignment with slots and putting more civilians in Wheeled Vehicle Maint., a number of us were "Volunteered" to cross-train into other AFSCs (skills) and I picked Jet ACFT, 1 & 2 Engine. BTW, I pulled that experience that I previously posted, out of the Archives. :D  Glad I still remember where it was. ::) Really enjoyed being a crew chief on a fighter plane, even though you had to go down into the intakes of the F4 and check for any cracks, leaks or missing rivets before and after each flight. Don't think I could do that now between the extra weight I've put on over the years and the way my joints act up now. :-\  Gotta tell you though, it was a bit spooky at first. going down into those intakes. At first, I would think, "What if someone tried to start up an engine? It's not like you can turn around in there. ::)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 06:51:19 AM by bill440cars »
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Offline burmashave

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2008, 09:19:10 AM »
I've always had lots of respect for crew chiefs, both fixed and rotary wing. It's a tradition that goes far back, and it's always seemed to me to be a combination of great responsibility and pride, although rarely in the limelight. It makes me think about the US bomber crews in the European theater during WWII. Each crew would fix, patch and make right before missions, and then anxiously await for their aircrew's return.
Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
'77 CB750k

Offline bill440cars

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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2008, 01:14:56 PM »
I've always had lots of respect for crew chiefs, both fixed and rotary wing. It's a tradition that goes far back, and it's always seemed to me to be a combination of great responsibility and pride, although rarely in the limelight. It makes me think about the US bomber crews in the European theater during WWII. Each crew would fix, patch and make right before missions, and then anxiously await for their aircrew's return.

          I agree on that feeling about Crew Chief's and all. When the F4 I crewed, was on the ground it was my responsibility to see that things were taken care of. When the Pilot would come out to fly, he and I would do a "Walk A Round" and I'd watch as he'd check the plane over and, if he was satisfied, he'd sign for the plane, get in, I'd assist with his straps, put on a headset that was plugged into the plane, go through the procedure to start the engines, also, go through the procedure of checking all the flight control and lights, Unplug when he was satisfied and marshal him out of the parking spot and send him off with a salute. Then he'd taxi down to the end of the taxiway for another quick spotcheck (sometimes done also by me) and then he'd prepare to take off. You are right though, basically the plane is the Crew Chief's responsibility on the ground until the Pilot accepts the plane to fly. Then, he comes back in and either has write-ups that the Crew Chief has the responsibility to get taken care of and/or take care of things that he can. It definitely made you feel a special sense of pride. I had F4C #595 in Japan and F106 #063 at Hamilton AFB in CA. Definitely takes "Team Work" to keep em' flying. ;)

           We used to live right in line with the air strip and when the Air Guard had F4s, they'd come right over our house making all kinds of what some called noise (was music to me & I was glad they were OUR planes too!) ;)       
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Re: F-18 Makes Amazing Stop
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2008, 01:21:13 PM »
Quote from: bill440cars  "What if someone tried to start up an engine? It's not like you can turn around in there. ::)

Here is an answer.....
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