OK, here we go again. I've looked a little through the forums but here's my setup and question. My tires are original equilpment. (as in yikes!!) and though they still have some tread, there are some pretty interesting canyons that didn't used to be there back in '78. The word POP comes to mind if I think about riding on 'em. So, time for new.
Front 3.25H19 Rear 4.00H18
I believe that translates to
Front 100/90-19 and rear 110/90-18
two things. 1st what the #*&%*##@ do those numbers mean? Well, the 18 and 19 are obvious. But seems that the size tire doesn't exactly follow a smooth progression since the width varries as well as the height (?)
All I really want to know is how large a tire I can put on the rims... hopeing for a larger rear, but not sold on it yet.
she's got the original rims (comstar wheels).
Once again, thanks in advance. (have I worn out my welcome yet?)