I have the misfortune of having a house in which the dryer vents into the garage. Mostly, this keeps the garage on the damp side. >:( I've thought about changing it to an external vent; however, it has one benefit in that I use it to keep the garage warmer when I'm out there in the winter (in upstate NY).
I'm doing a small bit o' painting now, and it dawned on me that I could use it as a poor man's paint booth. I turn it on (no clothes, of course), and let the warm dry air flow into the garage. I crack the back door just a bit to vent air out. It's been cool and rainy for days, so this has been a benefit.
Most folks prolly don't have the wonderful vent-into-garage setup, but you could run a vent hose from your dryer vent if it's near the garage. This is a very small tip; I dunno if anyone would benefit, but it works for me.