hey there terry what switches have you got down there the clock from the 750 is a bit bigger than the one off the 500
a euro buys a lot of bundy 
OK Mate, I do have another cop speedo that was on a Suzuki GS750, but dunno how it compares to the Honda one, although I think it may be smaller, the CB750 Cop speedo is a big sucker.
The local wrecker showed me two RHS NOS Cop handlebar switchblocks, dunno if he had any LHS ones though? No idea what he wants for them, but i'm gonna drop in and see him this week, so I'll ask?
Bundy is a foul liquid best used for washing the skid marks outta your undies after a big night out on the VB and Lamb Kebabs. I only say this because it turned on me like a red-headed stepson midway thru a mates wedding a few years ago, and I woke up around midday the next day, naked and covered in my own vomit.
It hurt me to think that a drink that I trusted so implicitly would do something like that to a friend, so I banished all traces of that evil brew from my life, and not even my close friends are permitted to utter it's name in my presence!
Now something similar happened with Jack Daniels at a mate's 21st birthday party back in 1981, but time heals all wounds, and anyway, how can you stay mad with Jack? Ha ha, Cheers, Terry.