I have been running my 550 with the stock airbox with a UNI element for about 5 weeks now after swapping from running UNI pods. The bike definitely runs much better with the stock box especially low to midrange power, however I noticed that my MPG has dropped 6 miles per gallon since switching. I have a very consistent commute that keeps my mileage within 1 mpg each fill up. I was consistently getting 51-52 mpg with pods over a 2 month period. As soon as I swapped over to the stock box with the UNI element I have now been getting 44-46 mpg. The only other thing I changed was moving the jet needle clips back to the center position (stock) up from the 4th clip down. The spark plugs look much the same, maybe slightly lighter in color but not too lean. I also noticed that I need to use the choke much more/longer than with pods so I know I am running a bit leaner than with pods. I am wondering if I am too far on the lean side which is making my engine power drop making it less efficient. I may have to raise my jet needles back to the 4th position to see if that fixes it. I am however surprised by this result. I have gone over some other items to see if something else changed; tire pressure, dragging brakes, and drive chain lube, but everything looks good. I know 46mpg is pretty good, however, I am on a quest to maximize MPG on my bikes. My FZR gets 55mpg and I usually ride it harder and faster.