Author Topic: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!  (Read 2281 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« on: May 12, 2008, 06:46:13 PM »

        I don't use Internet Explorer except when I've had to Delete Firefox and reload because of problems. That IE Start Page  keeps trying to pop up and I get things that pop up and say that there's problems with the IE and do I want to send an error report? I haven't even used it in at least 2 - 3 months! My question is, can I do away with Internet Explorer and keep the Outlook Express? If not, I guess I could export my emails over to the one that Firefox has. Any input would be appreciated. ;)
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 06:52:06 PM »
You can make Outlook Express for your primary but don't try to deleate your IE. It will cause you major problems if you do actually get rid of it. Just change your default to the browser and email you want to use.

I agree with you about IE, or anything microsoft. I'll probably go mac the next time.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 06:54:10 PM by ekim98 »
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 07:16:39 AM »
Do you ever run Windows Update?  This may fix the problem.  It may also be some sort of virus or spyware, especially if your homepage keeps getting changed.

And don't get me started on Macs.  They have their own set of problems, and when things go wrong, the number of Mac people that can help are far fewer.  While you can come here and ask Windows questions and get many responces, Mac questions will draw less answers.  Don't get me wrong, I used to be a Mac guy.  The lack of programs that I needed forced me away.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 07:44:46 AM »
333's suggestion is good. Try it and see what happens. I believe you should be able to launch Windows Update from:  The bad news is that you'll need to access that site from Internet Explorer, and if Internet Explorer crashes in the process, we may need to figgur a different way to do it. (There is a way to download the updates.)

To answer your question, it is possible to have any number of browsers and email programs installed. Windows allows you to specify which email program and which browser you want to use as your default.

If I understand correctly, you have Firefox installed, but when you try to click on a link, Internet Explorer launches. If so, here is how to make Firefox your default browser:
1) From the Firefox menu, select Edit >> Options.
2) Click on the "Main" icon/button in the top left of the Options window
3) At the bottom, under "System Defaults", make sure "Always check to see if Firefox is the default..."
4) Press the "Check Now" button and then press the "OK" button

If Firefox isn't installed, install it and select (something like) "Make Firefox my default browser" during the installation process.

It's just as easy to make Outlook Express your default mail program, regardless of whether Firefox installs a mail program:
1) From the Outlook Express menu, select Tools>>Options
2) Click on the "General" tab in the upper left.
3) At the bottom of the Options window, click the "Make Default" button to the right of "This application is the default mail handler." Note that this button will be greyed out if Outlook Express is already set as default.

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2008, 08:00:50 AM »
Try Opera, ste it as "defult" browser and you won't come back....

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2008, 09:29:52 AM »
Agree with all above.  Perhaps a good registry cleaning along with or prior to a Windows update would help.  I recommend CCleaner.

Are you saying that IE tries to load on its own even though you're not using it?  If so that sounds like a spyware popup or something else trying to load.

I use the following phalanx with good success (plus they're all free):

Spyware Blaster
Spybot Search & Destroy
Ad-Aware 2007

I used Mozilla Thunderbird as my email client for a time.  It worked very well but eventually I migrated to strictly browser-based emailing because I work across multiple computers daily.

Also, Apple's browser, Safari, just came out for Windows.  I've installed it and tried it out a bit and so far it's pretty nice.

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2008, 10:03:51 PM »

Mozilla Thunderbird as my email client for a time.  It worked very well but eventually I migrated to strictly browser-based emailing because I work across multiple computers daily.

And both work one million times better than Outlook.  I work as a sysadmin for a small/medium company - The most time saving thing we did this year was switch everybody to G-mail corporate accounts and then disable Outlook.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2008, 04:54:02 AM »

       I want to thank you all for the input and I'm gonna try to swap thing over completely away from IE and outlook express (been getting some, what I call, "Blank Emails off and on. Emails with only the little envelope and a date, with NO subject!) Need to get this thing cleaned out, but I hate to do that because then I have to start all over. ::)

                                     Later on, Bill ;)
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2008, 10:22:32 AM »
Agree with all above.  Perhaps a good registry cleaning along with or prior to a Windows update would help.  I recommend CCleaner.

Are you saying that IE tries to load on its own even though you're not using it?  If so that sounds like a spyware popup or something else trying to load.

I use the following phalanx with good success (plus they're all free):

Spyware Blaster
Spybot Search & Destroy
Ad-Aware 2007

I used Mozilla Thunderbird as my email client for a time.  It worked very well but eventually I migrated to strictly browser-based emailing because I work across multiple computers daily.

Also, Apple's browser, Safari, just came out for Windows.  I've installed it and tried it out a bit and so far it's pretty nice.

Faaaaaaar from any computer geek but  I just want to add I've used CCleaner and Ad-Aware and can vouch. I also use Avast. I HATED Norton and life is soo much better with out it. Never have a problem with Outlook though.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 02:09:51 AM »

Faaaaaaar from any computer geek but  I just want to add I've used CCleaner and Ad-Aware and can vouch. I also use Avast. I HATED Norton and life is soo much better with out it. Never have a problem with Outlook though.

I do a bit of 3D graphics work and that always slows a machine down, I`ve used Ccleaner and CleanUp! for a couple of years now, the difference before and after is incredible.
I use Tune Up Utilities to manage things and can never recomend Avast highly enough, even the free version is bloody amazing. I use firefox as my default browser as it is so much faster than explorer but for msn groups its the only way you can really use the message boards for anything more than a basic message. Wouldnt use outlook for any reason simply because so many of the email virus`s target it so heavily.

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2008, 06:37:05 AM »
I don't want to get into an Outlook and Outlook Express argument, But I have used it for years with no problems.  I tend to go for Express, as I don't need all the extras of Outlook.  If you do Windows Update, Outlook Express is covered.  And if you use the preview, any virus contained in an email stays contained.

Then there's the time that this didn't work.  I worked for a nationwide company a few years ago when one of these well publicized viruses came into the system.  The word came down the line in plenty of time to "not open any email that said XYZ".  Half way through the day some idiot opens one.  Being a company of about 100 people, we all knew each other, so everyone started asking "Who?".

Turns out it was an IT guy.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2008, 06:41:59 AM »
And if push comes to shove, Bill, computers make fine boat anchors. Inexpensive to replace, too.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2008, 06:51:54 AM »
333: This is true--it boils down to safe computing; from not opening safe attachments to even preventing images from loading without say so since all manner of bad things can be embedded within.  Where I work, some curious click-happy bloke opened it (not me! ;D) opened a PDF that wreaked some havoc.

Ecosse/troppo: Have either of you used AVG?  I haven't used Avast I'm curious as to how they might compare.

BTW Bill, you can also turn off error reporting.   Start-->Control Panel-->System-->Advanced-->Error Reporting.  I set mine to "Disable" and "But notify me when critical errors occur."  (But maybe not until after you've sorted out your IE situation.)

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2008, 09:46:24 AM »
I've never heard of AVG, and I do use the free version of Avast. RE: Outlook, I use the preview feature and a bit of advice from my computer guy brother in law. Don't open something you don't recognize.

nickjtc, how's this for a boat anchor?

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2008, 09:49:51 AM »
I don't want to get into an Outlook and Outlook Express argument, But I have used it for years with no problems.  I tend to go for Express, as I don't need all the extras of Outlook.  If you do Windows Update, Outlook Express is covered.

I am pretty much agnostic about operating systems and hardware. (Note that I did not immediately recommend that Bill switch from IE to Thunderbird.) On the other hand, I don't see the two as being equal from a security perspective. Security bugs for IE and Outlook Express outweigh the number of those for Firebird and Thunderbird--both in number and severity. See Bugtraq.

On the other hand, I would say that Thunderbird has suffered performance issues versus Outlook Express. Thunderbird has been improving in this aspect.

And if you use the preview, any virus contained in an email stays contained.

Not necessarily true, especially if you use Outlook Express. As far as I know, Outlook Express will still display HTML and remote images in the preview window (I don't have Outlook 7.0). That is, Outlook Express will preview an email much as if it were a webpage. The first security issue with this is that it allows the sender to verify that the email was viewed. This information is important to spammers, who are always looking to verify that each spammed address is in fact a valid and used address. You may not get a virus from a remote image; however, you will likely get more spam. Also, remote images allow any sender to verify that you've "read" an email.

By default, Thunderbird does not display remote images. Also, it is easier to set the display "as text only" in Thunderbird. Displaying emails as "text only" by default provides superior protection against several types of attacks.

The greatest difference, however, lies in the much better protection that Thunderbird provides against phishing, which is, in my opinion, now a much greater threat than viruses. For those not familiar with phishing, phishing is an attack whereby the attacker sends an email resembling an official email from some type of organization with which the recipient may have a financial relationship. Most common are emails purported to be from Paypal, ebay, and banks. The trick is that the email contains a "click here to login" type of link; however, this link takes the user to the attacker's fake website. If the user logs in, the attacker then gains the user's user name and password.

Thunderbird provides vastly better anti-phishing protection, including warnings for emails that may be phishing attacks (called "scams" by Thunderbird).

Please note that my comparison concerns Outlook Express and Thunderbird "out of the box" except where noted. Each has settings and add-ons that can improve security.
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2008, 10:37:21 AM »
The subject of antivirus, antimalware, firewalls, etc. came up here, and it's come up before, so I posted my recommendations for protecting Windows PC's here:

Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2008, 08:36:08 PM »
The subject of antivirus, antimalware, firewalls, etc. came up here, and it's come up before, so I posted my recommendations for protecting Windows PC's here:

           Yeah, appreciate that Burma, I've done been there and ssen that before I noticed on here that you'd done it. All is appreciated cause we gotta keep these PC's going so we can get here to do our thing. 8) ;)
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Re: Had It With Stupid Internet Explorer!
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2008, 04:06:52 AM »

Ecosse/troppo: Have either of you used AVG?  I haven't used Avast I'm curious as to how they might compare.

G`day jdigga
Used to use AVG, had the full version and when the polyp virus did the rounds a while ago it had a specific target A/V list, aparently AVG was near the top. lost three hardrives in my puter and both of SWMBO`s. Thank god for a decent backup system.....